Day 920 Life doesn't exist yet
The mind is dumb. The movements it makes is fruitless. The stories it conjures up, for naught. The reason for its existence, vile. Either vile for its act of slavery, or vile because the human being is so vile without the mind limiting it. Vile either way. Compare that to physical living. Empty mind. A physical body, a physical form, a physical life, with physical pleasure, physical work, rest, purpose, movement, creation, play, communication. Giving life all physical bodies everywhere. The life of dignity, access, creation, self. Oh how the self of the mind has taken over, the self. Like an evil twin, a mirrorverse hiding away the reality. How much of what is said is part of the grand cover up, the grand conspiracy, the illusion over this reality, that all is normal and well. Hiding away our bodies. Real choices, real actions, made within breath and by one self. Not a blob of emotion and feeling. The mind is a voice whispering in your ear about all the problems ...