Day 888 Removing yourself from a Space

 We have had kittens that were born outside our house over a year a go. They are grown and healthy. And we care for them. And observing them, its very evident that they are much different in demeanor than dogs. And something cats do very clearly is that if something is bothering them or they feel uncomfortable by the presence of something or someone, they do leave/move locations. And I suppose if threatened in a corner they would lash out to protect themselves. 

I see this as an important lesson for me. Where I can leave a space if I feel uncomfortable, and it has nothing to do with hatred or anger. A person can have something about them that is chaotic, or disturbing or even violent. Whatever it is, I mean you don't know the details of who they are, but simply the outflow of that you can see is disturbing or uncomfortable for you. I see this is important for me to learn to do. It is a point of self-care. And I see how I do tend to go into anger or hate in response, when I don't need to. I can forgive myself for having hate and anger, and instead can simply move to another location. 

If i look at the cats, they don't get angry or have hate. They simply do what it is that is best for them. If you are being loud and disruptive and entering their space, they move. Its simple. They don't ask for permission. They do what is best for them. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto anger and hate to others, because I was scared of confronting my hate and anger

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see the commonsense of simply doing what is best for me, and how holding onto emotions is not best for me. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear that others will take it personal if I remove myself, and that I believed I needed anger and hate to defend myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to need to meet others expectations, or otherwise I hate myself. 


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