Day 881 Bullies

 So when I stand up to someone for something they do that is abusive, I do feel afraid. Its like a fear that they may go crazy and harm me physically. And I suppose being a bully is about instilling that fear. And when you do stand up, they may just back down. Potentially though they may kill you. Like in the case of people who fought for change and were assassinated like FDR and Martin Luther King Jr. I find that living in fear is worse than dying. I rather live a short life and live it well than live a long life in agony.

One of the things bullies are after is attention and energy. So not feeding them attention is important. And at the same time quick decisive actions that state that the abuse is unacceptable. Because standing as that integrity brings peace for those involved, including within yourself. 

It may not be easy to do, but it is the outcome that brings resolution. Because the abuse and violence must end, and we may have to pay a price for that. Yet our inner peace/victory is assured. 

Because the voice the bully is trying to silence is the voice that all men are equal, that we must do what is best for all, that we must care for everything including this earth, that we must stand together as one, and as equal, and that the true value of life is life itself. That is what is being suppressed. And so we will face resistance.


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