Day 839 Loving everything equally as Life

 What does it mean to love everything equally as Life?

To see every person I have ever known, or will know, to be equal, and worthy of equal love, and worthy of recognition as equally part of Life, and being equals.

To see all as an equal. And to love all as equals would mean seeing the highest potential in all, and helping each reach their potential. It means fighting for everyone.

So ending the idea that there is good or bad people, ending the idea that some much be hurt or punished, or some must be my enemy, or I need to take revenge against them. To love all as equals. To see all as life including myself. That we are all Life. 

Tree is equal to a man. Any man is equal to any woman. Any person is equal to any child. Any thing is equal to any thing else. And all must be rejoiced, supported, cared for, and helped. 

I am you and you are me, and we must help each other. I must help all in every way I can. I must smile and see all as me, as Life, the one Life, that we are all equally Life. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to love anyone specifically. 

I commit myself to love all equally as Life, as myself

I commit myself to help all, to support each one's highest potential, to show everyone the way.

I commit myself to everyone as the one Life, which includes me. 


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