Day 838 The Challenge
There is this Challenge with Being in this World. Who we are, the entirety of who you really are, is here accessible for you to see. It requires accessing your entire self in a moment, what sums you up as a person. You can access that point in a moment. The thing is that most of us, like all of us really, are existing in a level of ignorance, where we don't want to be aware of who we are.
The Challenge is simple, to know who you are, change who you are as those parts of yourself that are not best for all, into what is best for all. And by each of us doing this, we each become what is best for all, and together we stand as what is best for all. Simple.
For the eons and the ages there have been people who have been pointing to this Know Thyself point. So basically this is the Challenge and it is quite challenging, and we have not succeeded yet. We are reaching a point where consequences that have been accumulating will finally come to fruition. So that means a great level and depth of pain and suffering for Humanity. In a way this is very good, because finally there will be consequences for our actions. Ideally, each of us would have a person who would dole out consequences for us, each time that we mess up. Currently we are living like a way where we do something that we shouldn't and we get away with it. We think something we shouldn't and there is no consequence apparently. The reality is that there is consequence. Such actions do change who you are, and that takes time for it to manifest in a physical way. But manifest it will nonetheless.
The basic reason why this is is because this world was originally built like a slave plantation, where each of us are slaves working away for some purpose. And that purpose was selfish. And that has all ended, where basically the physical world and life awareness said enough is enough. So consequences will become more frequent and immediate. Especially our collective consequences, stuff on a world level scale.
I suppose another level of challenge is with guiding others on this challenge. To exist in this world but not be of this world. That is challenging too. But challenge is good. I mean its real. Before life wasn't real, it was predetermined, and was an attempt at selfish aims and goals. Now we will all be forced together, and forced to face one another and especially ourselves.
Like a line in a movie says, Pain lets you know you are still alive. So with all this pain, suffering and challenge that will occur, know that at least you still have a chance to change. Eventually though there will come a point where you won't have any more chances. You will cease to exist. So its best to take that chance while you can.
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