Day 772 Our Relationship with Animals

Here I will be addressing our relationship with Animals. Us as the all of us. All of us human beings and how we relate to animals.

It shouldn't be a surprise yet it will be a surprise nonetheless that our relationship with animals is filled with separation. Often we immediately look at the points of Animal Extinction, Exploiting animals for profit, factory farming, physically abusing animals. Obviously all of this is indicating some form of separation that is going on, I mean there has to be right? But its not that simple.

How people respond normally is within judgment of good/bad. People think that if there is going to a criticism of some people, that some people have to be the bad guys and that some acts are simply bad. Those whoever that truly live by and work side by side animals like Fully and like Completely know that good/bad and morality are not real things that animals understand or live. Animals do kill one another, sometimes to eat the other, other times because of territorial disputes. But they aren't bad for doing so, and they aren't good for doing so either. They are simply following their programming or design.

You can witness how with dogs/cats how programming can change. The same applies for human beings. Except most of us don't realize this fact, and we are ignorant to how much of who we are is simply a program, and we make the tremendous mistake to believe that we have free will and that we are making our own decisions about everything in our lives.

So animals are following programs and are in a design. Understanding this point firstly would be a step in the right direction in actually figuring out how to best support animals. Know one thing that animals aren't existing in the same way humans do. I mean its commonsense, dogs are like way more exicted about things that humans would ever be right? Except if a person were to become equal to that expression, then yeah you could.

There is a level of programming that animals can take on that represents human Egos and personalities. So you have those examples as well, which represent the worst of us. It could be something like violence, or aggression, or trauma, or a sense of loyalty. So you have such form of perversion of dogs for example, which is a reflection of the human programming.

As long as we allow ourselves to participate in feelings, in emotions, and in ego then so will our relationship with animals reflect that point. We can only see as far as we allow ourselves to. And Energy is the one point that limits us greatly. The nature of energy is inequality. It is a point of feeling good regarding to how we see animals, and point of feeling bad in how we see animals. Believing that animals are the victim and we feel bad about that. Know one thing that feeling bad doesn't help anyone. It is part of the programming that actually keeps the abuse in place. Because are you a program or are you life. Do you want to do what is best for all because you feel bad or because it is best for all. The minute you make who you are contingent on how you feel, then you are placing the backdoor to give up when your feelings change.

Would you rather have a caretaker that will take care of you no matter what, or that they do it as long as they feel bad by it, or feel good by it. Know that feelings are always a limitation, and that is how the mind operates. And to truly take responsibility, it will require to take ownership for the reason why you were absent from your life and from assisting and supporting yourself and others. Why were you absent?


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