Day 766 Unfortunately...

Unfortunately people give advice, but they are adding Vice. Meaning that there are people who are well meaning, and wanting to support you but their advice/support isn't what is best for you or relevant for you. This happens. This is part of life. Sometimes you will find yourself with people who are good friends, who are on your side, and yet they aren't able to give the support that you need or can rely on. It is a mistake to trust or rely on the support/advice from others completely.

Much that I have to walk, and that each of us have to walk is something that is walked alone. Sometimes we lose sight of that, and lose that understanding that it is about SELF- Responsibility and Self-forgiveness, where you are going to be Alone with yourself and be the only one that has the big picture and understanding of what is here and what you are facing. It is what it is, and its also that way for a reason. The reason being that we each need to become that Independent and self-sustaining beings.

One of the types of moments that is challenging is that when someone you know and trust gives you advice, but it turns out what is best for you is to do the exact opposite. I suppose it will be more challenging for some to just go ahead and do what it is that is best, and for others it would be a piece of cake. For me I find it tough, and I find it tough because I primarily feel or believe I am somehow going against that person and I am somehow going against that Friendship or relationship with that person for going against their advice. While I can see that I do have a desire for Friendship/connection, there is a practical dimension to consider. Just because I am going against a person's advice it doesn't stop us from being Friends. In fact, true friendship would not have such a point affect it at all: meaning that if someone goes against the advice that we still are Friends, because what a Friend is is someone who is there and Wanting the other to Succeed, and wanting to support, and if supporting a Friend means Ending the Friendship, then too friendship would do that as well.

A part of me thought that I have to let go of Friendship or the desire for Friends. In fact, I just need to redefine what real friendship is. Meaning that Friendship can and does exist, though not everyone is able to live that, and that's okay, they are walking their process. And so in this way, who I am as a being, and the process that I walk alone, and the process of me seeing what is best and doing it, including when someone happens to suggest the complete opposite, and me being able to do it anyway, and still stand by our Friendship, that is what is best for all, and how they respond/react is simply where they are at, but I still stand by them and their potential and their process.

And so in this way, and in so doing the above, I do stand by everyone, I do stand by what is best for all, I do stand by the potential within everyone, and I do stand within myself responsibility to do what is best, and that any conflict between me standing and applying and others reacting is simply the process of other people facing their reactions, and/or it is an illusion of my own reactions. When we stand and apply what is best for all, facing conflict/resistance is part of it. But that conflict/resistance is an illusion. It is not valid. It is simply a point to face and to stand. Because when we align with the truth and call out the bullshit, we can stand clear within that principle of what is best for all.

So while I did approach this point with it being unfortunate, in fact, it is a gift in understanding what Real Friendships and Relationships are, and like how they say when Friendships are put to the test. Because a fundamental fact of Life, is that it is full of people and everyone has a relationship with everyone, and that those myriad of relationships makes up the entire world, and that the entire world is made up of relationships. So being involved with people and relationships is part of Life, and including walking the point of Friendships and developing that connection is an inherent and necessary part of Process, since we are Walking the Correction as the World, as Life. We are the point, we are the humanity, we are the future, we are the past. And in that we cannot escape who we are. We are beings who are in this world, and we are the world, and so of course we are going to have intimate and deep relationships with beings and the world itself, because it is all equal and one. The depth of relationship you have with yourself is the same depth of relationship you will develop with beings eventually. Its inevitable, one way or another, in this process to Life, in this process that is coming back home to SELF, that is all as one and equal. And as you can see in this blog it is going to have its challenges and its tests. Can we stand by another when they disregard our advice? Can we do exactly what is best even though it goes against someone else's advice? To be able to understand what is important and what isn't within all of this.

This dimension of Friendship and how I am walking it within my process, is something that seems NEW to me. This seems to be a new word and a new dimension and a new area of Expansion. Because I can see how so far Friendship has been lived within the definition that the world system and the mind consciousness system has given it. A point of convenience, or a point of distraction or a point of abuse. But within this the potential is clear and is very much here as I showed in my blog that Friendship can be Redefined and made into something real and trustworthy, where through how I and how we can live the word as a definition and as an expectation and as a behavior on our part we can stand by what is best in another and what is best for another and stand by what is best for me and as individual and what is best for all as existence, and so really living the correction of Friendship.

I would say this is a challenging process, but a really good one and a very necessary one that will open up new doors of understanding, application, and creation. Because it will be something NEW to stand in this world as a Friend and do so wholeheartedly within integrity and without compromise. And I can see how this will require accessing and living various expressions and words that also require further redefinition and refinement in order to be able to stand the test of time. Who we are is each other, we are one and other, and we need to be able to walk in this world with this understanding and apply it practically so that this understanding is real and its here as we are in our actions/choices/movements and expressions. It seems like a foreign concept, but know that oneness and equality is the key and foundation. To have a one and equal world, will require redefining and living ourselves to reflect that in every dimension and aspect. And relationships/Friendships is one such aspect, among many many more. That makes sense, doesn't it?

I suppose zealousness or a strong commitment or being stubborn is worth its weight in gold. And I suppose every expression has its use. What we may think is a weakness, may actually be a strength, so its best not to judge something as good or bad absolutely. I mean even good bad is relative to the context no? Even then we may be flat out wrong about it being bad/good in that context.

And for me, the correction for Friendship I see is making that decision to what is best, and knowing it goes against someone else's advice and then EXPECTING it does not affect our Friendship at all, which means still SMILING and being all COOL, CALM, and HAPPY to see them. Not Feeling SHY, not expecting conflict, not expecting it to affect our friendship at all. And yet if it does, then I accept that as their reaction, and stand to support their potential: that being Friends has nothing to do how much we listen to each other's advice. That I stand within that point for them to help them see and live that for themselves. We are Friends because we support each other, NOT because we are the SAME, or make the same decisions, or act or do things in the SAME WAY. Within our differences and within our different perspectives: We are Friends and we stand together to bring out the best in each other as Friends. If my friend cannot stay and then they leave then I make sure they leave with me standing as this message so that they leave well, with having this moment where they heard/saw me standing for their potential that is them.

Being a FRIEND is a being, it is something you are and you live through you. You are BEING it. It is a Verb. And so you can be it and stand as it in this world, which is a world that is not aligned with what is best, but here you are aligned with what is best and so you are aligning the world to what is best slowly but surely through your relationships and through the moments you are and give to others as a gift of yourself being a Friend.

There are more expressions to unlock for sure and many more moments to live and challenges to face and tests to take. For now, this is today's point. I encourage you to walk the same point and same words and open your discoveries.

Its time to have some Real Friends in this world, starting with ourselves being that Real Friend in this world of today.


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