Day 770 Unconditional Expression

I made a VLOG expanding on this topic:

I heard a very interesting remark from a person and it led me to realize a few things. One thing is how we may approach a conversation or a moment of SHARING with a person and we may be approaching it within an agenda of being Persuasive and being Convincing. I can see in myself the pressure to be Persuasive ever since I was told by someone that I should be more persuasive when I speak. I was told this in a work context by a superior. And I remember it being quite odd/significant.

There is something pure/real when we or any person simply shares directly what they see and how they see it without trying at all to convince you. And I have gone through a time in the World System as the Job market and Money system in Trying to be liked, and persuasive in order to sell things, and to in a way convince others to make peace or to be better.

I can see in myself this pressure to speak in such a way where there is an end goal in mind. Like the "end of the day" of my speaking. I notice the phrase "at the end of the day" popping up quite regularly in my reality, among people I know, and in the media. I think this could be connected to this point of trying to convince/sell another person about what I am saying.

But, I think I have duped myself. Duping myself in playing the game but also accepting and allowing myself to be played as well. Where that purity of Speech where I can say something and stand by it eternally because I am not saying it to be liked or to believed at all. I couldn't care less how reality would respond to it or to me, or judge me by it. I mean that is really pure innocence which is found in the story of the Emperor's new Clothes. I did a vlog on this Story once. See it here  Its from 7 Years ago!!!!!

The purity of a child's eyes and a child's speech/words. Simply stating/saying what it is they are seeing, NOT giving a thought about being believed. Saying the pure truth.

I can see around me, people that I know who when I contact them that they are defensive and suspicious and not because of anything I did or said. I know this because other people aren't so suspicious. Yet I can see the point in them here as me, as what I have been going through, of essentially being so fucked by the system that they themselves can't really trust or believe that someone could be pure, innocent and without agenda in saying HI! How are you! Can I get to know you? And REALLY MEAN IT!!!!!

I mean how FUCKED are we that we cannot even see this possibility and have completely closed ourselves off and forgotten what matters in life and that people can be real. I suppose we are traumatized. I mean at the same time, I can see how if we ourselves are DOING IT, if we ourselves are trying to sell ourselves, to be liked, to be accepted, to get something out of a relationship, to be believed, then OF COURSE we are going to Become Exactly the Point we are doing. We don't trust others because We aren't Trustworthy!!!! Cause we keep doing it instead of STOPPING IT!!!! Just stop it.

Stop trying to be believed. Stop trying to be convincing, stop trying to be persuasive, stop trying to be someone's savior. And just Be.... who you are.... as that which is Pure.... Innocence..... and treating others how you would like to be treated. Be a child of Life again. Unlearned what you have learned.

Because this system HAS fucked you. It has convinced you to constantly sell yourself to your bosses to money, to your friends, to your partner, to your kids, to your family, to everyone. The system has betrayed you, and you are betraying yourself by continuing to bow down to the system. Selling your Soul/Life Essence.

For me the counter side would say, that you need to sell yourself, that its a useful skill, that it all depends on how you use it. That all may be true, but I am seeing is the point that convincing others and selling yourself has entered into areas where it shouldn't be in. This includes Dating. This includes Friendship. This includes how we interact with strangers. This includes Politics. This includes our relationship with Family members and even coworkers. How Far are we going to convince others of something, for them to believe us and accept something we are presenting to them? And Why are we doing it?

You see how questions can be so Pure: Why are we doing it? Just like how children can ask Why? then ask Why? and then again Why? Why? Why? How come we don't question anymore?

When you stop trying to convince others and just BE, then you realize that you have been giving your power away to others, because you have been trying to convince others.You give permission through your own actions of what you are trying to accomplish/do/achieve and through the Methods and How you're doing it. You have automatically decided that you too will be limited to being convinced or persuaded where Life then becomes a battlefield or a war of words, where you require others to join you in equally playing a game of being convincing. You criticize others based on how convincing they are, you try to make them do the same.

In all fairness, being a sales person and making money is fine because you are making money in a system where money is required for survival. BUT when you are working you should just leave it at that. When you are not working, even between calls or between sales, you aren't required to BECOME or BE that which is inherently deceptive with others as a WAY to get what YOU want. You can realize that we try to get what we want through this way. Its selfish. And its a point of control. Eveyone in some way is touched by the Selling point as all business is related to it. And so it does reach out and it TEMPTS people and people are falling into temptation.

It is the desire to control reality and control other people, and to manipulate them. Where you actually get lost and believe that its normal or natural to try to control others in order to date you, to like you, to get what what you want them to do for you.

So I have noticed this in ME, in my life and who I am. I have notice the countless times where someone made an impression like: You should push for the "leadership position." And how part of being a leader is defined as being persuasive and well-liked. And how dating is pushed as a point of trying to make a good impression. And how job interviews are about trying to make a good impression. Where there is a commonsense point behind this BUT there is this programming as well. We are so royally fucking ourselves that we make it acceptable and hidden what we are doing and accepting and allowing where our minds go to the point of believing if we are against making a good impression then that automatically means being messy or dirty, or weird or disrespectful. How about the fact that who we are naturally is the point we bring through in dating and job interview? Are we someone who is alert? Are we someone who is naturally responsible? Are we someone who is honest and caring and willing to do a good job? If we aren't that naturally than why not change ourselves and improve ourselves? Why do we push for and stress for merely getting the job, merely getting the successful date, capturing the guy/woman. What about ourselves? What about being genuine? What about being real?

You know the possession is real when we start to believe this voice of Suspicion, of Pessimism, of Paranoia, of distrust where we feel this way and act this way. We expect and perceive everyone is and must be playing this deceptive game in all areas of life and you KNOW that there is no HOPE and no FUTURE as long as this is the reality, which is the reality you accept and allow AS LONG AS you continue to accept and allow this to be who you are in your relationships with people.

This is the consequence and price we must pay in attempting to be Gods of Reality, which is a life of Depression, Isolation and Paranoia where you can never trust anyone and can never be intimate and real because you know how you are being and what you are doing in your relationships and how you are treating and relating with people. Where you cannot express or speak words that are pure and genuine without deceit/agendas and just plain Fake News.

Its start with us as the individual, it starts with me. This is what I found/cross-referenced within me. I share it here as SF, may it support you as well.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to try to convince and persuade others to my point of view.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to try to convince and persuade others in believing that my views are right and therefore it justifies me manipulating my words in an attempt and with the goal to have them believe me and to also believe in what i am saying

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not just speak directly how I see things, and state my view, without reaction, without me entering into a point of ego and control.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that persuasion is a normal part of life to the extent that if people are persuaded to believe in something or to do something that is good for them, then that justifies the persuasion.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that because this world system is built on survival requiring to earn money that this justifies me becoming a persuasive being and that in my relationship with people, in dating, in my conversations and friendships/family that being persuasive is for other people's own good and its my responsibility that if I am not persuasive enough then its my fault.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to when I heard a friend blame himself for not being persuasive with getting someone to make a certain decision and that resulting in someone's suicide, that I didn't tell the friend that its not your job/responsibility to be persuasive, and to convince others to do something, that all you can do is present the information and its up to the others to decide.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to lose sight of the value of being unpersuasive and so being genuine and real and natural because the purest of moments in life is something like simply riding in the car with your friends with the music playing and the windows down and just staring out the window without speaking.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see how valuable it is to present someone with the presence/reality of the innocence and purity of fun and expression undefined by persuasion, undefined by the desire for the goal of a certain outcome, of having SOMETHING happen by the end of the day.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe its up to me to convince people and be persuasive in all areas of life, and that if people do not agree or see eye to eye that its my fault and that I need to improve.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to blame myself and believe that persuasion/convincing can make someone else stronger or more committed to themselves, more committed to life, more committed to expression, and more committed to what is best.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that my most powerful words and supportive words are when I am not trying to be accepted or be convincing or to be believed and that I simply speak the truth as it is.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see and realize that I become that which I accept and allow and so I have through and through become the point of believing others can convince me, can persuade me, can affect me with their words, and so I play the game of victim/abuser of words, and the game of POWER.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe its my responsibility alone to fix the world and that its worth whatever the cost

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to lose sight of the purity and innocence of life and expression that is undefined by agendas other than simply being direct and saying what it is you mean and want, and being HERE.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fail to understand others and where they are at, and how they are suspicious, they are trapped, they are within this world system game and so I do need to support them through me bringing through the point of being genuine/real and pointing out the programming, and seeing here how POINTING out is not about being convincing or persuasive but simply SAYING what is here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to Believe Bernard would have given permission to be someone persuasive and selling all the time because someone told me that he was doing that, even though I never saw him say that in any blog or video

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to trust and believe in the POWER of persuasion and selling because I desire power, I desire and crave for control, I desire the responsibility over other people and directing the outcomes of other people and control THEIR end of their days.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow myself to be corrupted by my own desire to control/manipulate and be convincing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself by the outcome that is other people's choice/responses/reactions to my words.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow the system to corrupt or tempt me through it making the point of Money and Selling to be part of Survival, where we sell our time, we convince others, where we make ourselves attractive on dates, where we define ourselves by appearance and beauty, that we define ourselves by entertainment, and acting and movies/tv, where we believe in the LIE of the presentation as more important than the truth of the physical, and the truth of ourselves.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe others can define me, or persuade me, or make my decisions for me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe the mind can convince me to be a certain way or do a certain thing, or to make certain decisions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe the mind has some persuasive power over me

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe a person can have persuasive power over me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that temptation is real or that pressuring/intimidation is real

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give permission to myself being manipulating through believing manipulation is possible, and that I can persuade/convince/manipulate others, and that I should do that, and that others can do that to me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see how manipulation/persuasion is a construct in the mind, and that its our own creation and something we give permission to exist and empower through our acceptance and allowance.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to  believe in defending persuasion and manipulation as part of the SALES cult where in sales there's a personality point of believing you ENTIRELY must BE and BECOME a personality of salesman or woman in all areas of your personality and life and you must be constantly selling to everyone.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see the commonsense that Sales is merely a profession and so can be done through actions and as work and it doesn't require completely adopting a religion of changing one's personality/mind to adopt it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see how normally people are preprogrammed to become and live certainly personality in their professions and that is why this happens throughout professions/careers where each point becomes like a cult/culture of personality defining who you are as your work and so who you are throughout.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge sales as more worse than other careers as each point has its point of personality/possession and each point deals with money which means survival in this world system.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that money and the system has power over me and can persuade me, convince me and tempt me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to or desire to persuade, convince and tempt others through the power of the system which is money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to defend the money system through my consent of using the power of money for personal satisfaction in the form of enjoying the power of money, enjoying the power of the system and buying what I want.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe its a natural part of life to have persuasion, advertisement, convincing others, changing opinions like fashion trends, through politics being about persuasion and switching sides and calling that democracy, through buying one's life, and earning one's life through money and being independent because I earn money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define independence as earning money.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe i need to need convince others of who I am, and its always an uphill battle where people do not trust me no matter what.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that people are inherently untrustworthy, that life needs controls, needs balances of power, need limitations/controls.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to discount and discredit the power and necessity of truth and living honestly, because I believe everyone is dishonest and untrustworthy and will deceive you and manipulate you.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that as I start to live again as being without trying to be convincing or persuasive, and start being calm again, natural again, and like a child again, that I can start trusting people again, and start putting myself out there as myself and seeing the potential and being the solutions we need in this world again.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see how everyone's natural state was truth as a child, and was purity.

We can all be like children again, and we can all be trustworthy again and trust each other again. We can create a beautiful world that we can live together as the best of friends. We can create a new human being that is trustworthy that is pure, direct, and here living one and equal with reality. And it starts with Here as Me, as me living as Honesty, Innocence, Purity, Expressive, living Here in Real time, being Unconditional, and Wholesome. Like a warm blanket that me all my friends share as we hangout.

This is also the time to point out this system of living a suspicious life, a suspicious system, of being reserved, being distrusting of others' intentions, and judging other's initiative. If we have cut ourselves off from others, then we have surely cut ourselves off from ourselves.


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