What?! Did you really expect you could just be happy and F!@# around and that's it?

Many of us want to have a good life. To find happiness. To live well.
One of our dreams is to be just happy for no reason. There is a problem with being happy for no reason.

In religion, if we connect with God or if we attain enlightenment, we are in bliss. We are happy for no apparent reason, needing nothing more.There is a problem with this.

If we somehow simply discover a way to just be happy whenever we want for no apparent reason, because we can choose to, there is a problem with this.

There is a phrase that exists: There is nothing wrong with being happy, but...

So here I am saying that there is something wrong with being happy, if you do not include oneness and equality, or everyone/everything in existence at the center of your life and living.

Because look at what happens: someone who attains the god-like state of bliss, of being one with God, of having their soul attain enlightenment, will literally just sit there and preach for others to do the same, and say that this physical reality is not the real reality, and God is the way!!!

So literally sit on their ass and do nothing.

The same goes for the more normal form of happiness: You make money, have a good life, get married, have a partner, have kids, go on vacation, have friends, and that's it. Where you do not place everyone and everything as one and equal at the center and focus of your attention.

Its like literally going after your own happiness, what makes you happy and that's it. The thing is that when I say it, it sounds like that is normal, we have just accepted that there is nothing wrong with going after your own happiness. The reason why is because we are ALL DOING IT. Each of us is placing our own happiness first. So when I say something like a person lived their life going after what makes them happy, it doesn't sound bad at all!!!

So here I have to roll up my sleeves and see if I can show you the reality. Right now, if all of us continue to go after what makes us happy in the time we have left in this life, then all the poverty in all the various countries, all the suffering, all the physical diseases that could be prevented, all the starvation, all the wars, murders, rapes, abuses will continue to happen to those who are not as fortunate and lucky as you. Because realize your PARENTS did exactly what you are doing now. THEY went after their happiness. THEY made a life with money, security, where they didn't die in starvation or wars. So you will do the same in your protected bubbles, while the rest of the populations that are in war zones, in poverty, in places with no money, no ability to build good homes, good access to water, sanitation, electricity, and they will have to fend for themselves.

So by having kids, and living the life your parents lived, your are teaching your kids to do the same. Or you can do something radically different.

Okay so this is the part where I say what's the other way to live.

If you place everything and everyone as the focus of your attention, of your life, you will try and find a way to bring balance to the world. Because the world right now is imbalanced. There are no villains here, no bad guys, we are all in this together. And you will speak and write about oneness and equality. And you will challenge your beliefs and views. Because much of what prevents you from taking actions and seeing solutions is your very sight. You are not able to see that which you blind to. If you see others as stupider than you, or inferior than you, that will define all the rest that you see. The truth that we must see is that all is one and equal. Americans are not superior to anyone. Money does not make you better or more trustworthy. Beauty is not something to value. Fame is not real. The ideas we keep in our heads that we superimpose on reality is preventing us from working with reality. We believe that we can't change reality because it is bigger than us, when the truth is that we are one and equal to this reality. So the change that must take place is within you, within your sight, within your belief, ideas and thoughts. You will then subsequently bring forth changes in your daily life, like how you eat, how you sleep, how you live your day, and how interact with others. Living as oneness and equality, and see all as one and equal, that will radically and fundamentally change your life, and the lives of others for all time to come.

And if you have kids, you can raise them as this version of Life. Version 2.0. Cause version 1.0 sucked. Kids naturally are aligned to oneness and equality. So its much easier actually to raise them in this way. The main problem is you, the parent, cause you are just like your own parents. This fact of kids being naturally aligned to oneness and equality BEFORE parents corrupt them, is a form of proof that this is the way life is SUPPOSED to be, and this is who we ALL were meant to be, and also how this is who we will all HAVE to be, because existence will either get destroyed or we will become the solution. Happiness is NOT the solution.

When you live as oneness and equality then you will gain access to the expressions of life. You will gain access to living words that reflect the nature of life as oneness and equality. You will become like a child again, and become like a God. You will have access to strength and authority through having oneness and equality as your base, as your focus of your life. It cannot be any other way. All forms of expressions that are divorced from oneness and equality will remain in separation until you reunite yourself with the fundamental truth of all forms of life, that we are one and equal.


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