Everything Matters

Every single person matters equally. Abuse does exist. And the abusers matter just as much as anyone else. People who are pedophiles need support. People who are murderers need support. People who are greedy and corrupt need support. People who are racists and promote genocide need support.

To vilify people is to not support them. It is unsupportive to vilify people. Vilifying people is an abusive act itself.

Abuse happens all the time. It is continuing to be accepted and allowed. We can end abuse through supporting the abusers to change. Change happens in many ways, including prevention. Prevention means supporting everyone, because anyone can abuse. Support means education, money, attention, and guidance. Being a part of people's lives.

Support is something we all can do.

A world that kills all abusers, is a world that cannot exist. Because killing abusers is abuse. Doing everything you can is support.

Everything Matters, Everyone matters.

Everyone was once a child. Every single pedophile was once a child. Every single murderer was once a child. Every single corrupt and greedy person was once a child. We all changed since childhood, and we can all change again.

Don't give up on anyone.

This world is not an evil place. We choose whether we see no potential, or we see potential everywhere.


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