
 You Can be Friends with ANYONE. And Anyone can Be Friends with YOU!!!

This wording is specific. Because currently we view Friendship as something that either Exists or doesn't. We don't view Friendship as a VERB as an ACTION. We tend to make ourselves POWERLESS when it comes to the Friendships that we have or have had. I was like this too. I believed I only connected with certain people and that's it. That it wasn't my fault that I didn't have control.

So here we are going to open up the misconceptions we have with Friendships and open up the Potentially best way to live when it comes to the people in your everyday life.

In our days we tend to have jobs and are stuck with certain people for certain amount of time. And in other times of the day we are free to choose who we spend time with. HERE, we will not be discussing at all about these dimension of choice, that is up to you to arrange your time. We are here focusing on what you DO when you are WITH someone for some TIME whether by choice or FORCED to, it doesn't matter for what we are about to say here.

So imagine being stuck in a room with a person for 10 minutes. Its not a trap, you both know you will be let out in 10 minutes. So in that time you do have, what do you do? What can you do? These 10 minutes represent your entire LIFE. Because the Life TIME is really just RELATIVE, it can be compared to a blink of an eye. Quick. So for our example its the same.

The reason why ANYONE can be FRIENDS with ANYONE, is that there is nothing preventing ANYONE from being OPEN. This is the basic premise. Open means sharing. Sharing means talking. Sharing as talking means talking about yourself. And if the other person takes their turn then you have intimacy! Its that simple.

This basic simplicity, and basic truth that ALL of our complex relationships, and complex hierarchy, complex groups, clubs clicks, complex social rules, sophisticated societies, cultured intellectual status, etc... is just air, hot air from a fresh fart. You can't grab air. It goes right through your fingers.

An intellectual sophisticated smarty pants and a Neanderthal loin cloth wearing idiot can be Friends. Yes they can!  Adolf Hilter can be Friends with an Orthodox Jew. Jesus Christ can be friends with the most depraved sexual assault man who raped hundreds of kids. Because realize these limitations we hold onto so dearly is not real. The only reason that these statements I make have any significant meaning is because of how you have defined these words to mean something contrasting, something opposite, something problematic, something insurmountable, and impossible.

 Yet the basic truth is that ANYONE can change. If you can accept that truth, then you must be able to accept the truth that ANYONE can be friends with ANYONE, otherwise its not logical.

And if you ask how do you ignite the spark of friendship, the answer is to open up, to share, to be vulnerable, to express yourself. A person who CAN be friends with anyone can change the world completely. Here I say CAN, because it doesn't mean it will be. But it also means that you do not say its impossible. Can means that you say its possible. Can means that you CAN do it. Only someone who CAN can change the world.

Do you remember your childhood clearly? Do you remember how you initially approached every person? Were you open to friendship? Hmm?

Everyone alive now is either a child or adult, or somewhere in between. What matters is that if everyone is not a child now, they once were. Everyone was once but a newborn. Imagine you being that ugly little newborn weighing just a pound, that can be held in your own arms right now. That is how you were. That WAS real. That WAS really you. That is truth. You didn't have any idea of limitation, of what was impossible. You could become anything. LOL

That potential is here right now within you. That potential is here and will always be here. You can CHANGE. You CAN BE something other than you are. You can remake yourself, reinvent yourself, rebirth yourself. You can be friends with anyone. It doesnt mean you will, but you KNOW it will not be because you COULDN'T SEE the POTENTIAL. Cause you KNOW that if you are open and ready, then all it takes is for the other person to be READY, to ACCEPT IT, to JOIN YOU!  That is the basis of friendship. 

So scoff at all limitations, and statements of being lesser than who you CAN BE!!!!


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