Day 17 - Punishment and Reward
This morning I had an interesting revelation, that I have employed punishment and reward in many if not all of my actions. Its like a feeling, which is biologically based and self-created. I know its self-created and even automatized because I can stop and no longer punish and reward myself for said actions, at least within these moments here.
This morning I had an interesting revelation, that I have employed punishment and reward in many if not all of my actions. Its like a feeling, which is biologically based and self-created. I know its self-created and even automatized because I can stop and no longer punish and reward myself for said actions, at least within these moments here.
notice that the same behavior has been conditioned to punishment and reward,
such as sleeping in my bed, where I find it aversive or punishing to wake up
and get out of bed. Within trying to do so I find it rewarding or reinforcing
to immediately lay down and sleep again once I sit up to get out of bed. But
within this moment I did not allow myself to do this. Instead I focused on the
sounds of the outside morning which I found rewarding.
my morning was like this, I was realizing how pretty much everything has been
influenced and conditioned to reward and punishment, such that when I was
walking around in my body this morning it was like I was seeing myself and this
world for the first time. I was able to breathe here and experience this world,
this body in this environment, and notice how there are these influences within
me that try to influence me to do something because they are rewarding (because
I think they are). Understand that it is like the moment before I decide they
are rewarding, said actions. This could be called or seen as thinking or
imagining about the future or how things are. Another thing, it is like I
create my reality before I live it or actually experience it and get to know
it, really as what it will actually be like. And I have the excuse that I do
know it before I experience it, which can be seen in all humans as the mind’s
claim for knowledge and specialness of knowledge, saying “I know what this
experience is, I have had it before, why waste my time in experiencing it
again, I know what it will be like.” Which brings me to another cool
realization the mind says as well in everyone, “I was expecting something
better, I knew this experience, and this experience was not suppose to be this
experience, L.”
LOL. So you see how ridiculous this is? We are living in the past, moments
before life actually happens or occurs; missing the current moment, while
thinking about the next, which makes sure we miss the next, which next creates
another thought like above shown, where we can be sad, which creates another
missed moment, which also occurs in thinking and so on and so forth.
It is to watch for these influences
and FORCES, and stop by no longer participating in these FORCES for good.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make
getting out of bed aversive and punishing.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make
waking up aversive and punishing.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make
it rewarding and reinforcing to sleep and lay down after having gotten up from
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to make
the sounds of the morning rewarding.
When and as I see myself feeling aversion to waking up while
knowing it is time for me to wake, I stop and breathe – I realize that waking
is simply physical – I realize it is time to wake – I realize aversion is
self-created and currently not supporting self as I require to wake.
I commit myself to simply wake in the morning, no aversion,
no rewarding, just wake.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to
participate in punishment and reward as myself as a system within me, in
separation of me, and in separation of this moment, and which directs me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow
myself to be directed by punishment and reward and not stand up within that as
myself to direct as myself what is best for all.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to live
vicariously through the mind as to not ever experience reality really but live
in a shadow of what is real.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to follow
reward and to avoid punishment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow
my behaviors and actions to be reinforced by rewards and be extinguished by
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not
stand as what we were born to stand, as life as who we really are, as an equal
to this existence and so not less than or more than punishment, reward,
reinforcement, or punishment, but equal to that and so able to stand equal to
ourselves and direct ourselves to do that which is best for all, which
considers ourselves minutely and thoroughly since all is self and so all is
I commit myself to live here in this moment, and be aware of
these FORCES so that I stop participating in them and considering them within
the equation of what is best for all.
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