Day 22 - Self-forgiveness and correctiveness statements for Day21

These are self-forgiveness and self- corrective statements for day 21. I suggest reading the preceding post before reading this post.
By Kelly Posey

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to seek relationships to relive an experience of blessed stored within me as a memory from an early childhood experience, where I believed that it was my relationship with my parents and specifically the particular relationship with my mom that was the reason/cause for my experience within me as a energetic feeling known as love, which in fact was due to an accepted and allowed reaction to something in my environment, and so was separate from me from my mind’s point of view and so not my responsibility that I was powerless and helpless to prevent or control this experience that it was natural and how things were suppose to be, when in fact I am the initial creator and have separated himself from his creation as himself, as the physical, and so why humanity is where we are now, separate creators separated from our creation as the physical otherwise all physical pieces/parts/wholes would be cared for by us.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see myself as more whole or more complete if a woman is standing beside me/dedicated to me, which would firstly indicate I am not responsible for me and every part of me, but have divided myself to be less than who I am, and so thinking/believing/perceiving myself to be always lacking and always dependent on a singular being existing in my life, and so live a lie where if this being were removed I would be here, and it is actually the physical that supports us and allows us to be here, with food, water, and support.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to manifest the point of relationship.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear losing the point of relationship, which I desire to manifest as a point separate from me and so not within my responsibility as I hang back in my mind and not in the forefront here where existence exists.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear myself here without being in a relationship and so fear my own fear, fear of self.
When and as I see myself desiring relationship while I am reminded I am alone and so start fearing fear of self – I stop and breathe – I realize I have to sort myself out first before even considering starting a relationship/agreements – I realize if an agreement does not support me to be more or do more there is no point to it - I realize I must first support myself here first to be able to do what is best for all and so life – I realize relationships are suppose to enhance us not weigh us down or take from us, but be a thing of support for all parties involved – I realize this can only occur in equality where both are equal beings walking equally.
I commit myself to walk process with myself first before attempting to walk it with another.
I commit myself to walk my process until it is stable and very seasoned before taking on the challenge of agreements.
I commit myself to push myself further in my process to one day take additional challenges, like agreement or desteni projects, or political positions.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to feel better as an energetic experience, and so not actually feel better but I am creating the inevitable decline and depression we all know very well as seen in procrastination, depression episodes, anxieties, fears, all connected to sources of desires and happiness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to be more expressive as an energetic experience of myself as having lots of energy, and feeling uncontrollable, which is lived in separation of myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to live the experience of being part of a happy couple, which I formed as an image in my mind from early childhood through watching television, movies, and seeing couples where I made judgments that this is what I want that I desire the happiness that I believe is being lived and expressed within this image I have in my mind stored and kept in secrecy, and so believing it is natural to think relationships are human’s birthright and it is ok if couples get together and disaster is formed because it was their choice, and so within this saying I have free choice, including to create my own demise through desiring to live in secrecy a picture stored within me as memory from childhood as a goal, or the goal of life/happiness, and so completely ignore and degrade life for what life is, as the equality of all beings together as one not in separation but in unison.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think that I will be happy in a relationship and not realize that only self can live self and so live happiness for and as self, not dependent on the fact you are in or not in a relationship.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not consider whether what I am saying is what is best for all in this moment.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not investigate what is best for all and consider what is best for all and see what is best for all.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire to be a teacher and so exert superiority over others, which occurs only in my mind, and so not realizing it takes two to tango and so by stopping the teachers part of exerting superiority in one’s mind to better support other beings in realizing superiority and inferiority are scams/shams.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to sell myself out to an education to one day hope to get a job and so money and security, not realizing that I am selling out my vote and any chance at living a complete change in the system by not seeing realizing and understanding change must be walked step by step and so within a commitment to see through a new system that will support what is best for all and so life, really, within education and all other fields.


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