
Showing posts from 2024

Day 949 Despair

This is a Open Letter to anyone feeling Despair. First of all its normal that life turns unexpectedly in areas you never anticipated. Your partner cheated on you, your parent's are not great at listening, your boss/work sucks, etc... Hopefully not all of this shit is happening at once. And there is great things in being alive. Typically there is something going for you. You have some people that care for you that really support you, and they may not be biological family. It can be a community online that is there when you need them. It can be a pet that gives you their presence/attention. My advice, is that enjoy things while they are here. And be good at letting them go. Because there were good times. And yes things end. Thinking won't change reality. Look directly at what you have. And if your life is going great, ask an open question to life on how you can help.  Happy Holidays

Day 948 Money=Life

 When I look at Bernie's 2016 campaign, polls had him winning tremendously against Trump, like he would be the clear winner, and at the same time period Hillary Clinton was tied or losing to Trump.  I see this as evidence that how Bernie speaks or presents himself, the issues that he speaks on, will drive people to vote for him. I think the core issue is that he places the corporate greed responsible for the problems we face today. Trump on the other hand, but similarly to Bernie, places blame on other people. They both place blame. Compared to Hillary and Kamala, they only ever blamed donald trump. And voters know the problem they face directly, the ones that are suffering the most were here for decades.  The real issue is Money. That is the only issue. Money is the sole creative force in existence. Anyone that wants to fix reality needs to address money. Equal money is the ultimate solution, and you can translate that in terms of everyone having enough money to live wit...

Day 947 Why we walk

 One of the reasons for walking process, and the purpose of those in Desteni, is that as we stop programs within ourselves, become more aware of the physical and take responsibility in actual word and in self, then this resonates in reality. What we perceive as reality is limited. Though if you see at a quantum level, in your heart, through the oneness and equality connection, then its clear that we are all connected. Walking with Desteni is walking within actual awareness of the mind, how it functions, and almost no one else can say that on Earth. And that has an effect on reality. That resonates. And I have seen that in the world out there. In movies, in tv shows, on social media. I can see how people are changing in subtle ways. I can see the choice of words.  Like Bernard has suggested, if you are willing, ask life to place you where you need to be. I have no doubt that the future of humanity will be one where more and more individuals walk completely aligned with the word...

Day 946 Abusive Parents Exist in the World

 I was reading Reddit. Its a useful site to read on things. Things happening in the world, things about people's experiences etc... And of these posts prompted me to explore deeper that topic in this moment of self-reflection.   Its about how some parents tell their children how feeding them deserves gratitude. And as I read some of those comments, I remember some of the things I have seen and heard from people. Some parents/families, are those that accidentally got pregnant and had no choice but to have kids. Maybe its due to their abortion laws, or religious beliefs. But essentially they regretted having kids. You can see news articles of parents abandoning their kids to die, and being sentenced to jail for that.  Growing up, I had the naive belief that parents should care for their kids. The reality is that some people don't follow principles, they are completely selfish and follow various programming...

Day 945 Presidential Election

So based on what I have seen so far on the U.S. Presidential election, Kamala Harris is obviously better than Trump. A potato is better than Trump. What is most interesting to me is Kamala and the future she will bring. Based on her astrology, she will help bring in healing. She actually reminds me alot of my dad's wife, my stepmom. She also worked for the government an in a law enforcement type position, and there is a similar aura of being very trustworthy, following what is best for people, and helping others. A true service person. When I read people, I do it with like a sense of who someone is. Its similar to how when I am dreaming and I know it is someone I know, even though they look nothing like the person, I know its them. And so those qualities of a person I can pick up on them.  I am reminded of a moments where I have gone into conspiracy theories, before encountering Desteni. So I am empathize with people who engage in conspiracy theories. I do find is strange though th...

Day 944 Your worth

 What is the most important thing in Life? Is it money? Is it your skills? Is it your health? Is it your body? Is it your relationships? Is it the people in your life? Is it your hopes, your dreams? Is it your purpose, why you are here on Earth? Words define us. The word we speak, are us. We are literally creating ourselves and recreating ourselves with the words we speak and have spoken. We are living words. And we are living-words.  You can see when someone speaks, including yourself, whether they are speaking garbage. Whether they are speaking harm and violence, hate and revenge. You can see when someone is creating with their words, healing, support, honesty. You're ability to see is something you have to accept. The responsibility that comes with awareness doesn't have to be scary. I know how scary it can feel because that means you do see and are responsible. You may run away and try to live a "normal" life. Yet may I remind you that countless people have lived ...

Day 943 Refresher of the basics Part 1

I am going to be writing out some fundamentals when it comes to process.  What is process? We refer to the journey/time it will take to change/develop/become someone who stands within the principle of what is best for all as one and as equal. What is this principle? The best way to look at this principle is to look at reality, the physical reality in its entirety. You can start with your room, and where you are now. You are in a physical space, and you know everywhere on this planet is a physical place. Everything is equal in the fact that exists, and is temporary. Part of the inequality is the desire to live forever. You can see that playing out with some people. You can see some inequality in those that profess that this reality is created by God to serve them.  As for equality, you can see it in those who see the animals as the same spirit as us, and that when we consume their flesh they become one with us, and we honor their life. And thus we must strive to protect the eco...

Day 942 Angels and Demons

 I have been working on the Positive/Negative Energies, surrounding Optimism and rose colored glasses. I suspect the following: that my lazy eye is due to the preprogramming of viewing the world and everything through extreme optimism and hope, as they say viewing the world through rose colored glasses. I used an astrology website to see the levels of preprogramming that exists within me. This lead me to the term of rose colored glasses, as it had indicated that as a weakness. And when I looked at my entire life, I indeed have viewed the world that way.  In my teenage years, I would delve into memories like a drug, and I would delve into Love as a drug. The first time I ever saw porn was around 13 years old. And when I looked at the kind of dreams I had as a child, I was preprogrammed to chase love. When I looked at my previous post on Love, it ties with sex is true. It drives the birthing of children. All done within a possessed state. All done wit...

Day 941 Real Love

 From my drafts in 2023: Im looking at what Love consists of. It is powerful because it can get a man or a woman to have sex, to propose marriage, to conceive a child. It has thus a possessive quality. It is addictive, you always want more until you're fulfilled for a while, then it weakens in strength, causing you to find a new source of love. There is no choice regarding love. The quality of being powerless defines it. If your love leaves, you have no power to make him/her stay.  Given you don't have a choice regarding love, this spoils love. Because you can have a great person, yet you don't love them? Love then doesn't give an indication of how much you care for a person or how grateful you are for them.  I would like to write about real love now. Real love is not something you feel to feel good about yourself. You feel the connection and responsibility to all things. You know that all is you. The matter is you. The material, the physical, on all levels. The atoms. ...