Charlie the TV Box: Assigning Purpose Day 248
In a house, in a town, somewhere was Charlie. He sat all day
on a table, and faced the couch. He had a nice big screen, not too big like one
of those more expensive models. But big enough, and big enough for what? Well,
Charlie was a TV box. He sat all day and all night, and would play programming.
That is what he did.
Depending on the day of the week and who was home, he would
play certain programs. Maybe movies, or a culinary show. There was also
Saturday morning cartoons. So this was his life, day in and day out. On and
off. Not much to say about this life, huh? This is all he did and lived for.
But was this really living? Could Charlie say he was alive? Charlie could say
he had a name, he had a job, he provided a service, he had awareness, but does
all of that mean he was living?
I asked Charlie the above question, and do you know what he
said? No, it wasn’t. Because he knew living is not what he did, despite that he
had a job, was busy, provided a service, had a name and awareness. How did he
know? He just knew that there was something else, something more to life. And
it doesn’t have to do with the work he does per se, there is just something he
is not getting or something that is missing within him. So I told Charlie, why
not find out what that is? Find out what is missing and correct that within
you. And do you know what Charlie said? He quoted one of his favorite shows
“why there has never been such a brilliant idea since the birth of existence.”
So Charlie got up from right there where he sat, and started his journey.
Charlie spent days, weeks, months until what seemed like
forever. He read, wrote, asked himself questions, looked for answers. He
discussed with people on such points, sought their perspectives, including
mine. Until he came upon something startling. He didn’t know why he spent his
whole life being a television. He simply accepted that role and that is what he
allowed his whole life. He never really considered or made a decision on what
to be/do with his time in this one life. And when he shared his realization
with me, I was startled because the same was true for me too! And so we had an
idea, to ask and see whether it was true for others as well. And we found for
the most part, people felt like they fell into their roles/lives/jobs/works,
that there was no agency really or decision making or planning process
involved. Sometimes you had people following their passions in life or what
they like doing. But Charlie pointed something interesting out. When you ask
such persons, why do they do what they do, they say in response, I like doing
that. Charlie said he wouldn’t be satisfied with only liking what you do, and
doing only what you like doing, because he notice that the pain/discomfort or
challenges are things he faced and walked through willingly, which is something
he didn’t like, yet it was done because he had a goal to accomplish. So even
these people who follow a passion that they are limited to only what is enjoyable/likeable
and thus have an aversion to difficulty/hardship. I completely agreed with
Charlie as I had seen the same within my life.
Charlie then was on the path to assigning himself purpose,
which involved standing objectively, absolutely, and unwavering he found.
Because a purpose that does not stand the test of time, and changes in situations/circumstances,
is a fruitless and limited purpose and will lead to a limited outcome/life. And
if there is one thing we agree on is that we wish to not be limited, but
instead have a full life. Ultimately Charlie had decided his purpose, but that
is a story for another time…
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