Day-29: Social Psychology: Self-Esteem & Self-Handicapping
one can see how Self-Esteem is part of a high/low polarity. Also if our
self-esteem were not so important to us… well the participants would not take
the harming drug or enhancing drug preferentially. I did not mention explicitly
before that participants with easier test took the enhancing drug more often
too. And so Self-Esteem, is defined within the context, who I am as MY
definition of who I am, which apparently disregards/suppresses the negative
parts of who You really are
(something I can relate to). So honesty is a key to realize who I am. And since
Self-Handicapping is studied with no solution placed, humans are not interested
in honesty so much. Self-handicapping is measured as far as I can tell on a
questionnaire. Not all humans participate in it in the same degree. This would
require future research from anyone wanting to know more as my knowledge is
limited on this point.
So for this Blog post I am going to ask Why do we accept and
allow Self-Esteem as a force that directs our decisions, deeds, thoughts,
emotions, and feelings, and essentially the world?
has been studied in Social Psychology leading to some very interesting
observations of some human behavioral phenomena. In a recent Blog, I had
mentioned three terms from Social Psychology that are themselves Human
behavioral phenomena that are widespread. These terms were Pluralistic
ignorance, Bystander Effect, and Conformity. One can imagine how Self-Esteem, a
term so abstract and intangible could have a hand in many many Behavioral
phenomena and even just everyday behaviors, for instance, Self-handicapping.
Externalization |
one do a quick search on the internet for the definition of Self-Handicapping
one will find this definition: it is the act of humans to externalize their failures and
internalize their successes. First to define this, externalization is simply
saying that I was not the one responsible but this thing HERE was responsible.
Essentially, participants in this hilarious study had a problem-solving test to
do; this test had a difficult version and an easier version. Participants were
ALL told the FAKE news they all did extremely well. The participants who had
the hard test would have been surprised. Now comes the interesting part, after
the test the participants were going to have to take the same kind of test they
just took, but first they had to pick between two drugs. One would “help” the
participants do better and the other drug would “harm” their performance. The
participants who had the difficult exam choose the harming drug more than those
who took the easier exam. Keep in mind that the drugs were FAKE too and there
was no 2nd exam really. Back to the initial point, so the harming
drug would be the externalizing of their future failure on the theoretical 2nd exam. The theory explains
that participants want to protect their Self-Esteem. So to protect it one has
to sabotage oneself in this case to externalize the cause, “the sabotage”. This
is all very strange I admit. Like if the person KNOWS he is the One choosing
the Harmful drug, then that is not Externalizing? Well, I guess to put it
better, participants sabotage themselves to avoid a point of failure/success
occurring outside their expectations of their abilities and so remain within
their control and idea of self. They want the excuse, it was the drugs fault or my sabotage, and my failure has nothing to do
with my ability, self, who I am.
More nxt time
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself a world
that accepts and allow handicapping strategies which can be recalled self-sabotage
strategies of Self-dishonesty where through externalizing one’s performance,
done in self interest, one is hiding the extent of one’s participation in said
task/test/situation and what self can really do within said
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place
importance to Self-Esteem such that I would choose my self-esteem over Life,
and self-honesty, which the two are VERY Connected, as life is
found/known/lived only with honesty.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to in the
most seemingly moments to be dishonest as to hide the truth of me and place
blame on externalizing parts of me, like my actions that lead to choosing of a
self-sabotage, like in my personal case sleeping in bed wayyyyy to long.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not
see how we humans can be honest by living this first with myself until this is
really manifested here as me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing to not see the
commonsense that I cannot externalize my actions or events brought about by my
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to value
control and familiarity and so mindlessly avoid any information/truth of who I
am really, as in the case of finding out I may fail and there is nothing I can
do to prevent it and so out of fear choose sabotage, which is what occurs with
the mind where we cannot suppress thoughts but must face the points of thoughts
and realize there is nothing to fear, as ‘failing’ and ‘thoughts’ are simply
here, and arise here, and are not separate from the moment that is here, and to
anyway deny what is here, is to deny self and honesty of who self is.
I commit myself to face self in every moment, and all that
is in this moment, whether it be failure, a thought, a fear, or anything, within
the realization all is me and not separate from me or this moment here, and
only I separate me from here, which is the act of stupidity of the century, for
this is what we humans have so far done, and look at this world here, and who
we are, if you dare.
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