
Showing posts from December, 2021

Day 906 Using Anger to make others feel Guilty

 A grand pattern I have uncovered is this connection between guilt and anger. Where it is an desire to make another feel guilty, as the purpose reason for getting angry at them. And in so doing, giving permission for oneself to continue to feel guilt when others are angry at oneself. So by accepting one you continue allowing the other.  So to reiterate the above: imagine someone is angry at you, and then see if you feel guilt at all. Or see if you do change according to them. Maybe you don't feel guilt, maybe you feel anger instead, but within that anger in response to their anger, you goal is to make them feel guilty. I suggest then that perhaps you are suppressing your guilt, because look you have in fact reacted to their anger. You are not moving as pure expression as self. So firstly try to release the anger. So what I did that lead to this realization is similar to the above. I felt angry at anothers anger, I couldn't release it, but I wanted to. So I allowed myself to fe...

Day 905 Hello Darkness my old friend...

 Hello blog, how are you doing? So one of the epic observations I have had of myself, and thus extrapolating to all selves, is how the system of the solar plexus location of emotions functions, and how the systems of the physical heart, and lungs function as components of the mind consciousness system.  Firstly consider how the inbreath is specific for when a person is angry. The breath I have observe with myself as well as people around me. This in conjunction with how the heart also beats specifically= the level of pressure pushes and rhythm is moves within is specific to match the anger.  Similarly with fear/nervousness.  So in principle one can create a device to measure what can already be observed individually, and thus it can assist those who are unaware or lack the awareness to observe their heart/lungs. While not a replacement for self-practice, it is revolutionary.  Plus given the information we know of the mind consciousness system. It makes sense tha...

Day 904 Surprise

 The process is this: 1)taking the emotions/feelings and feeling them: 'in other words, facing them.' And letting it go. If you can't let it go, then that is where you apply self-forgiveness. The gift of forgiveness. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear the ability of a man or woman to gossip and twist the opinions and minds of others, so as to attack me. It is my birthright to be god-like, a creator, who stands absolute without wavering: untouchable by the actions of others. Great power invites challenge. Just like the birth of a superhero, leads to the invitation of super villains. Because that is the nature of the mind. It wants to take on the challenge, and the fight, with its adrenaline rush joy of winning. So when it sees someone in the process of standing free and succeeding, it wants to tear them down. Fulfilling the role of the villain so as to witness to story/drama of a hero failing.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fea...