Day 833 Be not of this World
This World isn't real. What I refer to is this World we are creating: the ideas, the rules, the relationships, the MENTAL world, the System we have created on the outside. This is not how it i suppose to be. This is not REAL-ITY. So don't take any of this stuff of the world Personally. Don't take this World Seriously. And fight to change it everyday into what is REAL.
Make yourself real first in your body, in who you are. See clearly how this world should be and how things should be. Embrace the word SHOULD. Embrace the Vision of what is REAL. Hold it clearly within yourself, see the world as it should be. See what a REAL reality would be. Keep that as what is real and worthy, and fight to change this world into that. Keep a foot into that new reality, and keep the other foot in this reality and be a bridge to the new reality.
The evidence that you have that this is how its suppose to be is everything that Life as the Physical has left you. You can see how Life in the atoms, in the animals, in the elements, in the nature, in the design of the bodies, point to this truth. Life is backing this plan. Life cannot accept anything less than that. So connect with the Life here within your body, here with this Physical Reality, and let it carry you and empower you to where you need to be and what you need to do.
You are but an atom, you are but a puzzle piece, you are a tree growing. Its not about free choice or power. Its not about position. It's about unconditional love, sacrifice, service and giving. Now is the time to give. Now is the time to sacrifice. We will change the world, it is inevitable. Life is inevitable. Will you recognize yourself as life? And realize yourself as that?
Be not of this World, and Be in this World, so you may change it.
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