The Emotional Sense

The most sacred emotion of all. The most protected the one type you don't want to get rid of. The feelings. In other words, the positive emotions. In other words the ones that you like, the ones that you say feel good. The ones that you want to keep. I call them emotions because they are really the same as anger or sadness. You don't see that though. You don't. If you did then you wouldn't protect it.

The truth is that feelings are not better than emotions. The positive is no better, it is actually EXACTLY the same. Its the same shit. It just takes a second longer, there is a delay. When you feel good there is a delay before you feel bad. It takes some time. And because your memory is so bad, and your awareness is horrible you don't see it. But its there. That is what happens each time.

Feeling good is feeling bad. Feeling the physical is neither good or bad. Feeling the physical pain is just pain. Feeling the physical injury is just feeling it. Feeling the physical softness is feeling the softness. There is no such thing as good or bad, that just exists in your mind and your emotions.

Only a robot exists in good and bad. You think that not having emotions or feelings makes you a robot, when in fact you are already a robot because you feel good and feel bad. Only a robot would act so one dimensionally, think so one dimensionally, perceive so one dimensionally. I feel baddddd. I feel gooddddd. So I do this.... And i do that.... Its so limited.

There is nothing good or sacred from feelings and feeling good emotionally. Nothing. Its the one thing though that you want to protect and won't give up. And it is the one point that will screw you over and prevent you from changing.

Would you rather feel good or help everyone? Would you rather feel good or help one person? Would you rather feel good or help yourself? Would you rather feel good and hurt yourself than don't feel good? Answer honestly because here its time to be honest. One choice is the correct choice the other is fucked up. There is only one right answer here.

Would you rather never have an emotional sense of feeling good ever again, and be someone that can solve problems, make your life better, see the truth of everything, and help many people, or would you rather continue to feel good, go after only what feels good, and live in that restriction?

Would you rather live in Imagination or in reality? Would you rather work with what's real or work with what is fake?

Do you want to make your life better?

What's more important what you feel or this physical reality?

Make the right choice. This will determine your fate.

People who only go after what they feel will never see the reality of reality, will never be able to directly help themselves or others, will just be stuck.

And what about the physical feeling? There is SO MUCH to feel physically right here right now!!! There is the air, the temperature, the water, the food. There is SO MUCH that is FEELING that is not Emotion, that is not Fake, and not Imaginary. You don't need that Imaginary bullshit. There is entire physical reality right here before you!!!!!! Feel through your physical senses. Stop the emotional sense of feeling!


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