I have value

I have value for being alive.

The most valuable thing I have is who I am. Not my possessions, skills, abilities, or experience. The most valuable thing is who I am in the decisions I make. When I am presented with a situation, the decision I make is a reflection of who I am. So if the world is hell, the decision I make is who I am. If I lose all memory, experience, and ability, the decision I make is who I am. The most valuable I have is who I am.

I could lose my body, its strengths, appearance, ability, capability, but i always have myself, who I am. When I die, all I have is who I am.

I am valuable, and have value in who I am. I will always have this value no matter what happens, or changes in my world, environment, or situation, or with my body. My arms, legs could be chopped off, and I still have who I am. My eyes, and ears, nose and mouth can be destroyed, but I still have who I am. What I do with what I have is my decision, and that is who I am, that is my power.

Are you recognizing your value and power? Are you using it?


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