
Showing posts from October, 2014

I found happiness at the end of a rainbow!? Just kidding Day 188

  Where we idealize happiness to be: at the end of a rainbow. And where can happiness only be found? Well in this moment, duh. So I was what you called, an introvert. And for most of my life, I am currently 24, I dreamed and imagined having many awesome friends, and have a great woman by my side. I would literally imagine being old, inviting all the friends in my life and there would be hundreds, and they would all come to see me, and I would host this great big party. Everyone would get along, and we would have a great time. Within that I felt, what I called feeling truly happy. This is what I wanted, to have many relationships with many people, and being loved and cared for, almost honored, perhaps revered. This has defined me in many ways, including what I thought/believed would make me really/truly happy. There had been moments in my life where I would be in situations where I made new friends, and we went out together and did things. Perhaps we ...

The Animal Kingdom Day 187

"I am one and equal to my dog Shana" Read this blog for context: So when walking my dog Shana, like today, I try to keep pace with her. Meaning I am not too far ahead or behind her. I try to allow her to explore and go where she wants. I say try, because sometimes I require to direct her, which I do, when I see its important. One danger, is that she would fight with a female dog. Dogs of the same sex, female-female, or male-male, tend to fight. It hasn't happened in a long time, but it could happen. So I do have to be aware of the surroundings. Also when we cross streets, I need to make sure she does it quick enough to avoid an accident with the cars. We also cannot walk for forever, so I do guide her back and bring her back home. The same principles described here, I see being relevant to all other contexts of my life. For example, I require to guide and direct myself sometimes, ...

What has been forsaken and forgotten, and is the only thing that matters? Day 186

"I am one and equal to a tree." I remember early on, there was a moment when I had recently heard of oneness and equality, and I wanted to apply the principle absolutely. When I said/thought the statement that "I am one and equal to a tree," I had an interesting reaction. I reacted with resistance, as if saying "No I am not one and equal to a tree, I am above a tree." I saw that this statement was saying also how I was less than a tree for saying how "I am above a tree." That is when I learned several things. One, if anyone says they are above something, then that means they are below it. Two, if anyone has resistance to saying that they are equal to something, whatever that may be, then they are actually participating in inferiority. You see, when a person sees themselves as superior, its because they actually feel inferior. If a person didn't feel inferior, they wouldn't have to try and appear and believe that they are superior. They ...

Creating the greatest happiness - A look into Mill's Utilitarianism (day 185)

So I will be continuing with the Moral Philosophy theme that I started yesterday with a post on Kant's Categorical Imperative .  I mentioned Mill's Utilitarianism, which was another topic covered in my introduction to Ethics course in Reed College. Let me say that Mill's writing is much more clearer or easier to read than Kant's writings. I copied and pasted this from wikipedia.  ~~~~~ The essay is divided into five chapters, namely General Remarks; What Utilitarianism Is; Of the Ultimate Sanction of the Principle of Utility; Of What Sort of Proof the Principle of Utility is Susceptible; and On the Connection Between Justice and Utility. In the first two chapters, Mill aims to define precisely what utilitarianism claims in terms of the general moral principles that it uses to judge concrete actions, as well as in terms of the sort of evidence that is supposed to be given for such principles....

Are people just means to an End? A look into Kant's Categorical Imperative (day 184)

  I attended Reed College. In my freshman year I took the introduction to ethics course. In the course we covered Mill's Utilitarianism, Kant's Categorical Imperative, and Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics. I would like to share what I saw as important for human beings to be aware, which I received from reading the works done by these men. These important things are still relevant today in my life, and how I live. I copied and pasted a section from wikipedia on Kant's Moral Philosophy. I suggest for the reader to read through it, even if you may not understand everything completely, so to at least have an idea. I will then explain how I understood Kant's philosophy in my own words, and by examples.     Section from Wikipedia Kant is known for his theory that there is a single moral obligation , which he called the " Categorical Imperative ", and is derived from the concept of duty . Ka...

Our Magical Brain Day 183

Neuroscience. The science of studying the human physical brain. Its kind of firm, slightly soft, but mostly firm, if you touch one. The brain is made of tiny cells, like your other body parts. The picture above is one shape of these cells. The cell is alive. The cells requires, food, oxygen, and it also poops. It also has a job to do. Each cell can send an electrical signal, induced by a physical movement that creates a chemical reaction, producing electricity, that results in another physical movement that creates another chemical reaction, that is a signal to cell that is connected. Each cell can have many neighbors. They may connect to 1 or more neighbors. Their neighbors connect to another neighbor. They all connect to each other through a neighbor. Each thing you know, like a word is represented by at least one of these cells. So imagine, the job of one cell is to send a signal when you use the word 'THE.' So every time you use the word THE the cell tells its neighbor ...

Hidden resistance, hidden Gift Day 182

I wanted to continue with part 2 of resisting M, however what I experience is not resistance, as how I have defined it. A closer word would be a reaction, and more specifically a kind of sad emotion. This is a bit perplexing, but it is here. I don't see any logical reason, at least with the information I have at present to feel sad when thinking about M. But the mind is layered, and this is the next layer. In my body it does feel deeper. I perceive this as a remorse or regret for the previous layer, all the anger, hatred, desire to win and be on top. So a remorse and regret for who I was, what I did, and how I treated existence. I remind myself that I can't change the past. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be a ruthless  son of a bitch that only cared about himself and his life. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not take this existence, my home, in care, respect, and appreciation, by physically and by action taking care of it, show...

How NOT to be a winner

 So if you have reached the bottom, hi! I worked with a point inside of me, and I wanted to find two pictures comparing the eye of the pyramid picture to a picture I saw that showed people fighting to sit on top of a char which sat on a mountain of destruction. I couldn't find that picture but I did find many pictures that spoke on the same point. So I wanted to find two pictures because it represented the symbol within me, where I this point was a desire to sit on top of the pyramid, and I mean this metaphorically, however, as you see in the photos, we humans live this metaphor out in the real world. First off, notice how the animal and plants are not in a relationship of hierarchy like how we perceive the world as. So this pyramid inside of us, and seeing the world as a hierarchy is something we project onto the world. It is something we created, it does not exist naturally. So going backwards...