Believing that I don't deserve the best. -day 141

Believing that I don't deserve the best.
Believing that I don't deserve the best opportunity, the best life, the best qualities, the best way of living, the best living situation, the best circumstances, the best dreams/hopes/plans/desire, the best future, the best people/friends surrounding me, the best chances, the best.

If I give myself the worst, I receive the worst. If I give myself the best, I receive the best. I create myself, my fate, my consequence, my destiny, with what I give myself.

I, Yogan, forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I do not deserve the best. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I do not deserve the best  opportunity to succeed in everything I do.

I, Yogan, forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give myself the best life possible, because I felt guilty that others are not living the best life possible.

What I give myself, I will make sure that others have all the chances and opportunities that I can give them to have the same.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself, to not be/become the best person possible with the best qualities, and thus live in the best way possible.

I will become what is best for everyone, which is the same as what is best for myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give myself every opportunity and chance to succeed at everything I do.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be less than my true potential. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give myself the gift of relationship, by relating to everyone the same way that I would want to be related to, by being there for people in my life in a practical manner, to stand in real time as support for others, being there for them, truly, honestly, what is best for them, in a practical manner. I realize I can't be there for 7 billion people, practically. I can be there practically for some individuals that I can reach and be in physical contact and communication with in my daily living.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give the gift of SELF to another and myself as the solution, as the starting point that one must take, for one to KNOW WHO YOU ARE, and your purpose for being here, and how to reach one's true potential and one's happiness or satisfaction that doesn't end because its who you are as expression. Through that to realize how everything is yourself and you must find practical ways of assisting and supporting what is here to realize themselves, to know the answer to the question, who are you? No one knows who they are. Yet the answer is simple, SELF. You are yourself. You are the key to every problem. There's nothing you can't do. How many people knows the answer to that question? Well, now you do.


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