
Showing posts from October, 2024

Day 946 Abusive Parents Exist in the World

 I was reading Reddit. Its a useful site to read on things. Things happening in the world, things about people's experiences etc... And of these posts prompted me to explore deeper that topic in this moment of self-reflection.   Its about how some parents tell their children how feeding them deserves gratitude. And as I read some of those comments, I remember some of the things I have seen and heard from people. Some parents/families, are those that accidentally got pregnant and had no choice but to have kids. Maybe its due to their abortion laws, or religious beliefs. But essentially they regretted having kids. You can see news articles of parents abandoning their kids to die, and being sentenced to jail for that.  Growing up, I had the naive belief that parents should care for their kids. The reality is that some people don't follow principles, they are completely selfish and follow various programming. And

Day 945 Presidential Election

So based on what I have seen so far on the U.S. Presidential election, Kamala Harris is obviously better than Trump. A potato is better than Trump. What is most interesting to me is Kamala and the future she will bring. Based on her astrology, she will help bring in healing. She actually reminds me alot of my dad's wife, my stepmom. She also worked for the government an in a law enforcement type position, and there is a similar aura of being very trustworthy, following what is best for people, and helping others. A true service person. When I read people, I do it with like a sense of who someone is. Its similar to how when I am dreaming and I know it is someone I know, even though they look nothing like the person, I know its them. And so those qualities of a person I can pick up on them.  I am reminded of a moments where I have gone into conspiracy theories, before encountering Desteni. So I am empathize with people who engage in conspiracy theories. I do find is strange though th

Day 944 Your worth

 What is the most important thing in Life? Is it money? Is it your skills? Is it your health? Is it your body? Is it your relationships? Is it the people in your life? Is it your hopes, your dreams? Is it your purpose, why you are here on Earth? Words define us. The word we speak, are us. We are literally creating ourselves and recreating ourselves with the words we speak and have spoken. We are living words. And we are living-words.  You can see when someone speaks, including yourself, whether they are speaking garbage. Whether they are speaking harm and violence, hate and revenge. You can see when someone is creating with their words, healing, support, honesty. You're ability to see is something you have to accept. The responsibility that comes with awareness doesn't have to be scary. I know how scary it can feel because that means you do see and are responsible. You may run away and try to live a "normal" life. Yet may I remind you that countless people have lived