Day 830 Truth, Doubt and the Physical

Doubt regarding whether we know what we are doing or if we really know who we are.

Who we are is everyone/all. We are each other. We are each other in another life. We are all one and equal. Doubt is just another hurdle to overcome. When you are aligned within yourself with everyone, with all, it does feel without doubt. You know it. And you live it with your body and you can transform your life quickly. Know that doubt feels crappy and that standing as the message that we are all each other and that we are one and equal, feels pretty good in your body. I suppose we empower doubt through the possibility that doubt is right from a point of truth and knowledge.

Let's say doubt is right. But even then doubt is crappy. Believing and living a life where we are all separate, and unequal, and lost and disempowered is crappy. I would rather believe and live then the lie that we are all one and equal, and I will live it until it becomes are reality. And that feels pretty good in the body. I feel empowered, I feel connected with others and this existence. Because I am seeing how each person could live this potential of being a friend, of being at home and at peace, and being expressive and real. And I can live that and be that potential for them, be that example for them. So even when doubt may be right, its also the wrong path, because it doesn't lead anywhere.

If your starting point is oneness and equality, and is making it real as you and your life, then that is what will be the end result that will be started for the world. That is the start of the new world. And it will be of oneness and equality.

We should realign truth and knowledge to reflect only that which is best for all. That the truth is that we are all one and equal. That is our primordial truth, our original truth and being. That this is how this existence was built on. That the earth, the nature, the wind, trees, animals, bugs, exist as this oneness and equality. Because knowledge that just perpetuates separation and suffering is useless. We need knowledge to support all of us. We need the ultimate truth to be that we are all one and equal. And thus through transforming knowledge and truth to support that which is best for all, we will in turn transform every point to support the same thing. All of our focus and attention needs to be how all is one and equal. When you live your day, when you have conversations, bring forth the attention from others and from yourself how all is one and equal. So look into the matter of things in your life, your furniture, your food, your body, the words you hear, everything, transform everything into a point that brings attention to this assertion of truth. Let everything become a reminder. And it does feel pretty fucking good when you do that, in your body and as your body it feels good, as it should be when you are aligned and living as the truth.

Your body already holds the truth and the capacity for you to realize oneness and equality. This whole existence in the physical sense has the road map for you to live oneness and equality. It is through the physical that this is true. How your breath functions is a great example. If you align yourself with the body you are also aligning yourself with oneness and equality and vice versa. Because the physical has no point of polarity or energy. The body doesn't exist or move in energy. The physical is already stable and already living as oneness and equality. You can trust in your body/the physical. 

Oneness and equality means that nothing can be defined in separation of you. How can you fear yourself? how can you be angry at yourself? It would be ludicrous. Because its you. And you can't have power over you, you are just you. And you direct you as yourself.


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