The Future

For young people, all people actually, though for young people it seems thematically fitting that the FUTURE is emphasized.

The future life... the future job... the future family... the planet's future...

There are many horrendous stories about the future... global warming... the destruction of the planet...

We can only act here and now. We never act in the future. So what is here? The whole planet is here, all the people, animals, plants... all the nature is here. Even with all the problems in the world, the world still exists.

There are many games, and faces that are played and made. Creating these illusions. Where we enter into all sorts of reactions, arguments, beliefs, ideas, ideologies. Beyond all that... before all that... or maybe just right in front of our noses, what exists is already here. The people, the matter, the flesh, the bodies of plants, animals, humans, of the earth. All of that is here already. Constantly dying, regenerating, transforming. Life itself. Life itself is not only bound to the humans, just as its not bound to just the plant, animals, or the Earth. It is all of these things and takes all of these forms. Therefore what is at stake?

What can be gained?

What can be lost?

Who are we meant to be?

What is the purpose of Life?

What do we do next?

What is at stake is you as an individual Living/Realizing yourself as Life, the same life essence that is everything. Its not so mystical, though it may be so obvious and basic that you can only know it after you actually become it. I mean, if you were to try right now to live as Life, you would fail unless you walk a process. Because of the mind and all of what you accepted and allowed your definition of yourself to be. You need to take responsibility for that.

I mean, there is also the question of why even do this? Most don't even get past that point. Why even change? I would say that for many an awareness arises within you, where in the back of your head you know that you are unsatisfied constantly, and no matter how hard you try, nothing feels valuable or fulfilling for very long. Even with so many goals, and so much you have already attained, it feels pointless.

What is interesting is that walking this process you start fulfilling yourself, your purpose, your potential, you're who you are supposed to be in  much more basic, fundamental way. Its not tied to some goal out there, or some skill you acquire. Its who you are, your inner depths, just you. Its that definition of you that is independent of appearance, your physical body, your age, job, accomplishments, past or future. It is the You that is untouched/moved by space or time. Or at least your concepts and ideas of space and time. Beyond what we believe, there exists just what is here already. This is not something to understand but to live.

In the end, that is what matters... you as an individual living this, becoming this. The rest comes naturally. Who you are leads to what you do. Your definition of self, leads to you remaking the world into your image. We have always done this, though its funny how God is the one it says in the bible that does this, when its us. We create the world in our image. So lets make sure our image is the best for all.


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