Anger and Happiness

Anger is unacceptable.

Anger in all forms in unacceptable.

Anger as Justice is unacceptable.

How the mind is set up, energy is the driving force and all emotions are energy that drives the mind. The mind has certain rules, as long as you operate with the mind, you operate within the rules. There is no bargaining here or ability to break the rules. If you accept and allow one version of anger you accept and allow ALL versions of anger. If you believe you are right to be angry at someone for doing something bad, you must approve of every other form of anger. Because for the mind it doesn't matter what anger you use. To the mind it doesn't distinguish between justice anger, or anger directed at evil. Anger is anger. And anger is energy, the fuel for the mind.

Here is the point we as humanity are operating in. We are in the mind. We are operating within the limits and rules of the mind. We are powerless to change it unless we stop participating completely in anger, in the mind. That is our only play we can make.

For the mind, for the energy within you, there is no difference between anger directed at people in traffic, anger directed at abusers, anger as spite and vengeance, anger as murder, anger as abuse, because all anger is the same. I know you say it isn't. I know you call it a different anger. The truth though is for the mind it doesn't matter. It is all energy. There cannot be good without evil. By operating in the anger as justice you are giving permission for the existence of anger as murder, as vengence, as rape, as war and soldiers, tanks and bullets. That is your responsibility. Through participating in anger as justice you give rise to this existence as is, with all the rape, murder, abuse, hate, torture.

The only solution is to stop completely. All anger stopped. No matter if someone hits you. No matter if someone lies to you. No matter if someone steals from you. No matter what. You stop anger completely.

Only then can the cycle be broken. Only then can humanity change. Only then will the mind be stopped. Only then will you stop.

Everything I said applies to happiness too. Just replace anger with happiness in what I said, and add this point. To the mind energy is all the same. This includes the energy of happiness or the energy of anger. The rules of the mind is that all energy gets recycled and the positive WILL and MUST switch from the positive to negative and negative to positive throughout time. So to participate in anger is to participate happiness, and vice versa. So trying to be a positive person is impossible. Trying to be a champion of justice is impossible, as long as you accept and allow emotion, and feeling. Because through participating in positivity you give rise to negativity, and justice leads to injustice. Because your starting point is happiness and/or anger.

These are the rules of the mind. You can observe for yourself how they operate within you. What I say is clear as day. You will see it. What you choose to do about it is on you, and your responsibility. The only solution is to stop. End the cycle.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing anger and happiness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that energy as anger within me, is the same energy as happiness, that it fuels my mind, fuels my thoughts, becomes a part of my personality, my history and memories and drives my choices and decisions.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to through participating in anger and happiness, contribute to the abuse in the world done within the energy of the mind: rape, murder, war, destruction, poverty, abuses, violence, mistreatment, denial, suppression, rejection, ignorance.


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