Anger and Happiness
Anger is unacceptable. Anger in all forms in unacceptable. Anger as Justice is unacceptable. How the mind is set up, energy is the driving force and all emotions are energy that drives the mind. The mind has certain rules, as long as you operate with the mind, you operate within the rules. There is no bargaining here or ability to break the rules. If you accept and allow one version of anger you accept and allow ALL versions of anger. If you believe you are right to be angry at someone for doing something bad, you must approve of every other form of anger. Because for the mind it doesn't matter what anger you use. To the mind it doesn't distinguish between justice anger, or anger directed at evil. Anger is anger. And anger is energy, the fuel for the mind. Here is the point we as humanity are operating in. We are in the mind. We are operating within the limits and rules of the mind. We are powerless to change it unless we stop participating completely in anger, in the m...