When i first started the desteni process

When i first started the desteni process....

Looking back I was always on the path of process to oneness and equality. My life had been dedicated already to some higher purpose for all of humanity, all of life, all of existence since childhood.

The desteni process is when I had all the keys laid before me that now all I had to do was live them.

To BE and BECOME the person I was meant to be. The someone that is unshakeable, unmoveable, insurmountable. That can do what is needed to be done. That doesn't falter, that is trustworthy that you can have confidence in in being the same, in being clear, in doing the work that needs to be done. Someone who is enough for himself, that can have fun and laughter in any moment, because I create fun, I am fun. Living as a complete human being.

Be what is needed to be. To actually Exist. That is a Human BEING. To be or not to be, is not the question.

The most important thing is that I BE this person. IS that I be Me. Is I Be THIS which I described here right now.

Who you are leads to what you DO. So Being matters most. It decides your fate... who you are. So focusing on who I am, just makes sense. The rest falls into place, it is a natural outflow of who I am.

So if we all do the same, focus on who I am, focus on the Self, focus on the Being in Human BEING, than our actions will be better and become best for all, eventually leading to a world that is living and breathing best for all, because we are the world. 

Desteni Tools/Keys   Desteni.org


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