Oneness & Equality and what is best for all, who lives it? Series

Chapter 1 Introduction

So the point of this blog post is to describe what oneness and equality is, and what is best for all is, by looking at how it is not lived in this reality, specifically by people. Here I will go one by one looking at every kind and type of group and subgroup of people. From nations, countries, to cultures, from religions, to movements, I haven't seen oneness and equality lived in word/speech or deed/action. So I will be looking at groups that are considered good and groups that are considered bad, and the common theme here is how it doesn't matter whether you are considered good or bad in this reality, you are still not living oneness and equality, because oneness and equality is not even factored or valued at all within Being Good. The hard truth is that if oneness and equality were to be considered a requisite to being good, then 99.99% of all groups of people around the world would be Bad, and such a reality, such a way of perceiving reality and living would simply be unacceptable for people to bear, without them actually taking action to change it.

Chapter 2 The Good Groups
what would you consider a good group? This word is relative to you. Maybe the NRA is good for you. Maybe Democrat is, or Republican is. Maybe American is good, or South African is good. Maybe Teachers are good, or Parents are good. Maybe children are a good group of people. So on and so forth. Charities seems unequivocally a good group by most people. Helping those who need it, that's what charities do right?

Charities are focused on a singular goal, which happens to be a special interest. Here it could be pretty much anything. Fighting disease, helping impoverished children, helping people in poor countries, helping survivors of abuse etc... There is one focus though that is neglected. This is oneness and equality. Oneness and Equality is not a core mission for charities. You are not able to go on their website and find oneness and equality there. You won't be able to talk to charities workers, or the manager or leadership and find them being proponents for oneness and equality. The charities operate within the premise of all the beliefs and ideas of separation that the people operating in the charities have. You could say its culturally sensitive. But at the same time if oneness and equality is not found in any culture, that really wouldn't appropriate to say. Why does this matter, whether oneness and equality exists within charities? Because it has a massive impact on the quality of life, and the quality of help individuals receive. How exactly that happens is something you will come to understand as you understand what oneness and equality is. For now the point that I would like to introduce is that oneness and equality is not found in charities, which you can observe in their online material, in their mission statements, in the very people who work in the charities, all in their speech, and written words. Similarly you won't find it within all sorts of special interest groups that are considered good: Democrats, Republicans, NRA, Grassroots movements, Teachers, Parents, children etc...

Instead what we find in such groups is loyalty and respect to certain institutions and identities: this includes valuing or honoring YourSELF, as your FREE WILL, Your PERSONALITY, Your WANTS, DREAMS, and DESIRES

then onto valuing your FAMILY
then onto your COUNTRY
and Parents, friends, teachers, bosses, God, Religion and so on and so forth.

But NEVER oneness and equality though. To all of these other groups/people/identities though, yes your loyalty is demanded, but never oneness and equality.

This moment here has presented an awesome opportunity to partially explore what oneness and equality is. So it is all of these groups/identities just mentioned except that it includes all of them, and in addition the rest of existence, AND they are all considered EQUALLY important or EQUALLY valuable. So here we then include ALL the FAMILIES, ALL the countries, All the Religions, All the people, All the Parents, Teachers, bosses, children etc.. Every absolutley everything including bugs, plants, animals, everything. Period. And they are all equal, and this includes Your Self too, don't forget that I started with that First above.

You see, when things are equal there is a conflict within you, I felt this conflict at first as well. This is the conflict that arises when you make or hear the statement that you are equal to everything and everything is equal to you, and when you get specific like saying you are equal to a tree, or you are equal to a convicted rapist, or you are equal to Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton. That conflict is your resistance to actually standing equal to everything. As long as you have that conflict or resistance you are not actually living/standing as oneness and equality within yourself, so you won't be able to speak or live oneness and equality in your actions, words, speech or deeds. And like I said before that makes a massive Difference, though I haven't yet shown why yet, I emphasize YET, but maybe some of you can already see why or how that will make a difference.

So I end this chapter.
For now we stop and continue next time with Chapter 3.


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