Chapter 3 The Law
The message of oneness and equality, the vision of it, the understanding of it, the wording of oneness and equality is not found in the laws that exist. Laws are defined as Justice, where law breakers obstruct justice. Oneness and Equality is not defined within Justice. Lawyers don't swear an oath to uphold oneness and equality. Judges and Justices don't swear to oneness and equality. Police officers don't swear to uphold oneness and equality. Nowhere within the laws does oneness and equality is expressed in word, speech. So the actions of the judges, lawyers, and police officers do not follow or hold oneness and equality, because actions follows the word/speech, and no where is it written that oneness and equality is to be lived. There is no mission statement, no honor, no pledge of alliance to oneness and equality. What you would be pledging to is this entire existence from the great to the small, every man, woman, child, person. regardless of nationality, or citizensh...