Everyone is a Dictator

Looking at how the world system is set up, everyone is on their own. Individuals are separated. And so when an individual owns something is theirs and they have the right to do with it whatever they want. At least that is how the world system is set up. So welcome to the world system where ownership exists. So people can own land. People can own animals. People can own other people. People can own money that is theirs. People can own a house. People can own a business. If you work for someone they own you, until you quit. There are laws that protect against certain abuses. Yet whenever there isn't anyone to enforce the law, laws can be broken. Whenever people are unable to afford the attention of authorities laws are broken, and abuses occur in secret.

As the owner, you are the dictator, which is being like a real dick. You can tell however you want it to be. You are the owner. No one else can change that. They can steal from you sure. And you have the right to defend yourself and your property including killing robbers. This is our world system. A system of ownership. It SEEMS like the only system we know and the only system that can ever be.

We are taught ownership from a young age.
There are people/tribes/cultures that share everything. Ownership doesn't exist, what exists is what's best for all. Nature is alive to these people. The animals are alive and deserve respect. If you hunt an animal, you make a prayer and respect the life and spirit of the animal. You recognize the interconnectedness of all life. We are one.

So its possible yes. Yes it is possible to live in a system that is different, without any ownership.

This is a radically different way of living.
Yet is it really?

If we are taught one way, is it much harder to teach another way?

Is it really smart to just divide everyone up. Separate everyone into an individual, on their own, without belonging to the whole and being part of the whole, being cared for by the whole?

Imagine growing up belonging to everyone, belonging to the one group of people. Where you are cared for by everyone. Would you want to give back and be a part of the group in helping CARE for everyone when you come of age? What is the purpose of life but not everyone, together as one, as equals? How beautiful would that be?

Life is much easier than what we think it is. The Earth provides. We are capable. We just have to come together and share the load/work.

By giving up our individuality as separation, we can together as individuals as one group, as one people, all equals.

 What do you want for yourself or for your kids? The same that has always been? Or something better? Think about it. Reflect on the life you have known so far. Is this really the best it can be, or can it be better?

To create such a life, requires being able to change how you think, what you feel and believe is possible. Because being an owner is an emotional thing that you believe is real. When the fact is that no one owns anything. It is an agreement we made. And it can be changed. Just like how we think and feel can be changed by us. Thoughts are not permanent.

Are you someone trustworthy? Could people trust you do what is best for all, in all situations, forever? Or will you betray people's trust for yourself as an individual separate from the whole?

Becoming someone trustworthy, reliable will be a process. There is no magic here. There is just effort, hardwork, determination, and commitment. Eventually any man can change their own fate with enough time. But time does run out. We do all die.

This world is all of ours, it is our responsibility. Not to do with what we please, but to nurture and care for. Just as we use the earth for nourishing and caring for our bodies, and us as one people. Life never dies, but our opportunity as individuals to get access to Life can die, we can miss out on it.



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