
Showing posts from November, 2017

Day 56 - Apologize

I made a mistake and it affected someone else. In this real time moment, I can only apologize, but its not enough, so I can do what I can now to make it right. I can pay back what I can, or give what I can to make it right. Apologizing is not something i practiced much of. But its needed. When I wrong someone, I need to make it right. I can keep apologizing to the person, telling them I am sorry, and I promise not to do this again, and that this is what I will do next time. I can give them a gift as gesture, or do them a favor, or pay them for something that they had to do because of my mistake. Its not about the gift, favor or money, but its about the gesture. Its about showing the person your intent in being serious in changing, and to do what you can NOW to make things right and redeem yourself. You cannot change the past, but you can take action NOW. This is important for healthy relationships, real relationships and sincere relationships. This is what I applied and learned this we...

Day 55 Pain and Suffering

So when we experience pain in our bodies, for whatever reason, maybe a mysterious reason, I notice that in me that I had let it affect my behavior and actions. And  I realize I cannot let that happen. That I need to be able to move myself and make sure that my behavior and actions are not worsen by what pain or suffering that is going on in my body, which includes how I talk to people and what I say. Pain and suffering is a condition and state of being alive. When you work your muscles you are literally tearing your muscles, that is normal, and how it is suppose to work. What the body does is that it provides a painkiller for you to not feel the pain, Dopamine. That is why when you run you can get what is called a runners high. Sometimes though, you will just feel like shit all over your body, and you don't know why, but you cannot let that affect you. There is something in many cultures about being a Man or becoming an Adult, where you now must be able to withstand Pain. In star w...

Day 54 The Sound of a Leader

So in my process I have connected the dimension of sound to the solution of living words, where within living a word, I obviously will be speaking in daily life, and one thing I do to cross-reference my living of the word is the sound I use when speaking. Because obviously, if I were to be attempting to live the sound leader and I end up speaking/sounding angry, scared or nervous, I am not effectively living the word leader. Now, this assessment or judgment or determination that what my sound is like must be from me, because obviously others can say, assess, determine your sound, but they could be wrong, just as you could be wrong. The cross-reference I trust in checking my sound is by looking at my memories and looking where else I have used this sound and what happening in the moment and within me. The sound I use is very specific and has a history. So the very specific sound leader that is accompanying living the word leader, has a history and is specific. This history is very short...

Day 53- Chloe

Chloe Leanne Brooks There is much we do not know unless we experience the loss of something. Do you appreciate your own food, your body? Do you appreciate the air, the ability to walk up, the ability to dress yourself, take a shower? Do you appreciate the chance at being alive and live, be a part of the world, being able to be, live and interact with people in the world? When you look at silly reasons, excuses, fears, about what if they don't like you, what if things go bad, what if things don't work out, what if your dreams, goals, plans don't pan out. Look at the fact that you are alive and could actually do these things, attempt such things. Because one day you won't have the opportunity anymore, your time will be up. This is true for everyone. No one lives forever. Learn from others and the experiences they are going through, like Chloe Brooks who shares herself in this video. Place yourself in her shoes and see thr...