
Showing posts from December, 2015

The world is your responsibility

So what does this reveal? This image reveals how debt is. So we "made" money out of thin air. So what is money but a decision to have a certain good/service provided? Look at it yourself. You could basically create a utopian society based on the same principle. Simply give people orders/directions on what good/service to provide... that is exactly what we have already anyway. The difference is that if we with awareness create such a society EXACTLY how we want it to be, then we would all be better off. We would have better STUFF, better houses, better equipment, things, better food, better everything. Only because the decisions that are made now on what good/services are provided, are not best for everyone, is it so. So all that needs to change is the decision, which WE can do with awareness, meaning we decide what we would actually like the world to be. I mean people are already doing that already, aren't they? So we might as well do it ourselves, righ...

What does Movies, Stories, Friendships, Relationships have in common?

So what does Movies, stories, friendships, relationships have in common? They all have the potential for you to learn something valuable useful. And they all cannot show you or teach you every lesson that you will learn. Each can only show you only so much, and it is often just one, two, or a few points at a time. Even the most wisest and accomplish person can only show you just a little of what they have lived. Partially this is because of physical restraints, and also because of what lesson you are ready for now. A person cannot hear or understand something they are not ready for. A lesson is something that you must hear and see for yourself. You might pick up something that no one else saw before. That is because of who you are, and what you needed to see and hear. In truth there is no great or perfect movie, story, friendship or relationship. Where it is something concrete, and like a fixed image. There is only what YOU, Yourself can be and become that will allow you to pick ...

Message to those who gave up

So, each person has or had that spark within them, within their expression. Where what they gave to the world, to their immediate environment, contributed to it..... BUT, what happens? When one day they lost it... for some reason... they do not know. Within that you react in confusion, lostness, anger... fear, and you don't know what happened. It are those moments that define you. Because it was easy when you could just express you, but now it is difficult... the level of difficulty that you are willing to allow to decide when you give up... that is your self-definition. That is your self-defined limit. That is your self-limitation. Do you see that point? So, the truth is, everyone has that spark of amazingness in who they are. That amazingness you have isn't really all the unique/special because everyone has got it within them. What is really amazing however, are those individuals that actually still live that, when things become challenging. It is not surprising to have tha...

Popularity, Likeability, loveability

Popularity, Likeability, loveability. Now, something everyone faces is when you are faced with people or persons, and someone, perhaps even you, has a form of like or dislike with another person. A simple point, no? However, can one person's opinion, belief, or view point of a person ever completely represent who that person is in fact? For some the answer may be difficult to say and face. The answer is no. However, how many times has each of us witnessed, or committed ourself to such a point of view? Plenty of times, no? This isn't an easy point to work with, because you are dealing with emotions here. There can be anger, irritation, annoyance, even love or joy. The difficulty here is to be able to really see the person for who they are currently , without getting stuck in seeing one point, either positive or negative. Not only that, things can become even more complex when you are stuck within your own reaction towards a singular part of a person, thus even failing to ...


Recently the word expectations has come to my attention, where in different moments, I was reacting towards expectations that I had towards what others expected of me. So these expectations were/are defining my living, within reactions. I don't recall ever working with the words expectations, specifically, so that is something I would like to do here. Expectations as a word is interesting. It refers to that which you perceive another has as a desire, and in this case, a desire for me to act, behave, or do. And what is interesting here in this case is that I am have expectations or beliefs about what another has as an expectation for me. So in my perception as a belief in my mind, they expect me to act or be a certain way. Within that I react when I do or don't follow the expectation. Now here is something interesting where within doing what I expect them to expect of me, I feel something positive. This is a reaction, even though it is positive. This is a cool point to look ...

You don't always get what you want, sometimes you get something even better.

In the journey of doing what is best for all, because it here in this world and how things work, when you try to create something, it may not work. It may not work 100%, like at all not work. But that's okay. Because its not about product that you want. No. Its about what is feasible now, and what the environment right now allows for. And how do you find this information out about feasibility and what the environment allows? By proposing something, doing something, and that thing doesn't work. That is really the only way to know. So that is an example of not getting what you want, but instead getting something better. In this case that is useful information about what doesn't work. And as you adjust and change accordingly, you don't end up getting what you initially wanted, but instead you get whatever it may be. Is it better? I can't honestly say. But it certainly is possible that it is soooo good, and great. You won't know until you create it. In this world wh...