
Showing posts from May, 2013

day 88 - Facing another challenge

Real world challenges. Picking a career. So I have received my liberal arts degree in psychology. I wish to further my studies to strengthen my position and influence in the world. I have been primarily trained in researching and overall critical thinking and problem solving. One thing college does not teach you or show you, is how the mind functions. This I am learning with Desteni. I have my mind of course, and I can observe it. I can also stop participation in it in a moment. I can move myself in the physical. I can breathe. I can stop participation in energies, in a moment. I can also participate in  the mind, but this is something I do not want to do, because it will strengthen the mind and give the mind more power to decide who I am and what I do/participate within. I notice that every time I allow a thought, the mind gets stronger. I also remember that every time I say no, I get stronger, and I take more responsibility. I notice it is better to not participate in the mind ...

day 87- Staying Committed

Judging sucks. Where have I judged? I judge those who speak trash about  Desteni related things as inferior, instead of realizing that they simply do not understand what it is they are doing, and the opportunity they are not gifting themselves to stand within self-responsibility and self-forgiveness. Is man inherently good? I would say maybe man inherently wants what is good, but get confused between good for only me, versus good for all and me. Man forgets that the good of all is always greater, and the experience of living in a world of oneness and equality would be so great, because your rejoicing and enjoying everyone, and there are billions of us! And you can be here with yourself and be at peace with yourself. The state of being alone and being with others merge, where all equally honors themselves and each other. Open honesty and clarity can exist. This is our desteni. Join us. I forgive myself for accepting adn allowing myself to fear the unknown. I forgive myself for ac...

day 86- Standing back up.

I tried to teach another something before I completely understood it myself. I listened to the mind when I did not understand the mind. I still do not understand the mind completely. But I do understand now that the mind cannot be trusted, is not there to make my life easier, is not willing to change into what is best for all. I have to be what is best for all and bring the mind and the rest of reality into alignment with that. I was existing in a fantasy where I was somehow endowed with a special mind, a special position or privilege, where I am special and so exempt from certain hard work or tasks, that the hard work I did do would one day end. That I was working towards a moment where my life would change, magically or miraculously. I didn't live for here, I did not see the people that were here. I was in an alternate reality living in what I called and experienced as the future; believing all the while that I was creating the future with my thoughts or mind, that this is how I ...

day85 Self-responsibility vs. Responsibility

Desteni group. - insane, immature, possessed, untrustworthy, child-like, children, crybabies, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think the desteni group is insane, immature, possessed, untrustworthy, child-like, childish, a crybaby. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to use reality as an excuse to think a thought over and over, and not stop the thought, because the thought is an "accurate judgement of reality." I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that a thought can be an accurate judgement, because accurate judgement would require that the judgement be made without bias, and thoughts have energy charges, which create a bias that is not based in reality but is a learned association of something in reality to the emotions and feelings within us. I commit myself to remove all charges that are a reactive consequence to associating energy to a thought, which itself is made in relation to reality, using words, pi...