day 88 - Facing another challenge
Real world challenges. Picking a career. So I have received my liberal arts degree in psychology. I wish to further my studies to strengthen my position and influence in the world. I have been primarily trained in researching and overall critical thinking and problem solving. One thing college does not teach you or show you, is how the mind functions. This I am learning with Desteni. I have my mind of course, and I can observe it. I can also stop participation in it in a moment. I can move myself in the physical. I can breathe. I can stop participation in energies, in a moment. I can also participate in the mind, but this is something I do not want to do, because it will strengthen the mind and give the mind more power to decide who I am and what I do/participate within. I notice that every time I allow a thought, the mind gets stronger. I also remember that every time I say no, I get stronger, and I take more responsibility. I notice it is better to not participate in the mind ...