Day-7- Physical, Sex, & Money

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to try and attract women with my physical appearance. I forgive myself for not realizing that within accepting and allowing myself to attract women through my physical appearance i am accepting and allowing humans, males and females, to abuse their body to appear good in order to attract males and females they judge as having good appearance. I forgive myself for giving permission for anorexia due to my acceptance and allowance of attracting women with my image. I forgive myself for giving permission to the creation of mirages of oneself that’s sole purpose is to be an illusion to deceive other human beings as to one’s true nature and to even deceive oneself from knowing oneself since one is participating in energy and hiding within the generation of energy. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing spitefulness which is one’s desire to have free choice without being responsible for the consequences of one's actions on the lives of all.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give permission to child pornography through my desire to attract women to have sex with me using my appearance. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give permission to sexual addiction in the form of rape, pornography, mind fantasies, masturbation, through my desire of sex as obtained by abusing my body’s appearance for attracting women.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the harmful games men and women play in order to trick the other into a form of submission where one has one night stands of self-dishonesty. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not take responsibility for my acceptance and allowance of these acts that humanity is currently taking. I forgive myself for participating within the same games within using my physical appearance to attract women. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing war, starvation, poverty, disease, illness, ignorance through my acceptance and allowance of myself to participate in sex games where i am completely distracted from this physical reality as what really exists and is real.
I forgive myself for not considering sex within a life that does do what is best for all. I forgive myself for not considering my appearance within the context of living a life that is best for all.
i commit myself to expose the use of appearance to hide oneself from oneself and others.
I commit myself to expose the abuse that is accepted and allowed with accepting and allowing sex games based on one’s appearance.
I commit myself to expose the self-harm that occurs within participating in these mind games.
I commit myself to expose every single minute detail of consequence that occurs when one participates in using one’s appearance to attract sex.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to punish myself in order to attain a higher form or self or expression.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ridicule myself and hurt myself in the name of a higher glory.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to create self-harm in order to experience a higher sexual expression.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the world to participate in games where someone always gets hurt. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing humanity to play these destructive games.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the spitefulness to play these games.  
I commit myself to create a world of balance and harmony where money no longer harms.
I commit myself to expose how money is connected to every single form of abuse through everyone who uses or has used money.
I commit myself to show how the humanity’s relationship to money is allowing this abuse thus everyone is responsible equally.


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