
Showing posts from August, 2022

Day 934 Darkness within

 I remember a blog i wrote like about 3 years ago. It was about how life is pain. Or how much pain there is in being alive. And its true that even moving around and in physically doing things, there is pain. And something I remember about how those who never had to suffer much in life won't be able to make it in process. Since this process of becoming life in the physical involves facing so much in the mind and in reality, well the entirety of the mind and reality. To face all of that is tough.  So what I am seeing now is that I need to embrace the darkness, the pain, the brutality of the mind. To allow myself to feel it and remain here. Because I see myself as not having that difficult or painful life. I wasn't abused. I was treated fairly kind and nice by most people. And I was sensitive to the slightest disturbance. And I can see that others had a more difficult life experience.  But just because I didn't go through that, and got tough from it, doesn't mean I cant do...

Day 933 Words define you

 So something that psychics can't see. Psychics gain their ability through a preprogramming. But that ability stops there. Intuition however, and being able to read into reality is an entirely different ability. Nay, its not an ability its a natural part of living, like breathing. It comes naturally to all who embark on the journey of self-awareness. Cause knowing self means knowing reality.  As you know yourself, through writing, and exploration, you see how you function. And that level of seeing develops. Its sight pierces through reality, just as clear and as easy as normally look at anything. It comes with intuition and common sense, portrayed as knowledge. Commonsense like doing what is best for all is best for all.  Psychics can walk self-awareness, its not mutually exclusive. I would assume, it would be more difficult, in various ways, but one in particular is giving up the power and the specialness, since if everyone can see into reality, and vision is available t...