Day 903 Drama of the Mind
So the one practice that we must do is to stop the mind. This means firstly recognizing your mind as it manifests a thought for you to hear or an emotion for you to feel. Voices in your head speaking to you is indeed crazy. As well as following these voices. And the sad fact is that everyone on Earth has these voices. Sadder still is that most consider this voice to be their own voice: the great deception of our reality. That is why people are so crazy, why we kill, why we are apathetic, cold, lost, confused, because we are not in our seat of power, we are in fact not in control of our lives. This is made worse by the fact that lives were predetermined to have certain outcomes based on the trajectory of your mind. That is to say your mind is not looking out for what is best for you. Its only goal is to generate as much energy as possible so that it survive, no matter the consequences for its host. So some of us lead "successful" or affluent lives, and others in poverty. For the mind its all sources of drama, and thus energy, and so it couldn't care less. But what it is is repetitive, and consistent. That is why any person changing is so difficult. And how certain apparent changes in personality is actually preplanned events, prepared for by the mind. The trajectory of our lives, is very set.
The fundamental way to stop all this is to interject where the mind thrives, which is in the moment to moment opportunities to create energy. So with every thought you follow, and story it concocts, bringing forth emotions to solidify said story, to make it believable, to gain your trust and faith that this is your feeling, and this story is true. That is where we must disrupt.
Its a simple technique; simply decide to stop the mind, and thus see how the mind resists and creates content for you to follow. Yet at least you can stand separate of the flow. As long as you keep identifying with your thinking and feelings you are fucked. Even then that can't be our final destination. We must become the living word, the ability to express with the entirety of yourself, with words, and actions that reflect solely you alive, without any influence of the mind. Because the mind will influence, manipulate, trick and persuade you. With a single breath you can release the current of energies that mind has brought. Breath is your savior. Because the mind is incompatible with just breathing, with just being here, existing without friction, without resistance, without achieving a higher plane of positivity. Because the playground of positivity and negativity is where the mind thrives. The fight, the war of good and evil, is what feeds the mind. The ultimate deception. DON"T fall for it.
I forgive myself for acepting and allowing myself to have the mind within me and without me
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as dependent on the mind, and looking for someone to save me with the right words or inspiration
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to listen to the story of the mind, to listen to the drama it provides.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as clouded, as confused, and as afraid.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to seek a greater power, and greater answer, a goodness and amazing that is superior to all that is here.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from what is here as breath as reality, as the physical, as myself through joining with the mind and with energy.
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