Day 826 Valuing my Aloneness

Aloneness is highly valuable.

I realize that the space of aloneness that I had as a kid where its like I could be alone with me and my body even though I was in a entire classroom of people. And with that aloneness I was untouchable, I was safe and free, and more so I had Me. I could Imagine scenery and things happening. I was secure and safe.

And no one was pestering me, stalking me, bothering me. No one was after me. I was left alone,  I was respected. But having someone stalk me, go after me, pester me constantly, and me accepting and allowing that is not okay. I have to fight and defend my right to be left alone and at peace. Fuck off! Leave me be. I want to be alone. I don't want to talk with you. I don't want a relationship with you.

That Aloneness is sacred. And that aloneness does depend on money. Owning your own space on this earth. Unfortunately that is how it exists, but we have to fight for equal money so all may be free to be alone and create.

Being respected, being able to be left alone is important.

I didn't understand its value until I lost it.

And more so is the aloneness of self within self, that point where I would access as meditation. Just being here with my body. A point of having home in my body and heart. A point that I can be relaxed and free. A point of just me alone here, comfortable.

A point of hiding as a kid, not being seen or heard. A freedom to be me, through action= hiding.

I was given this freedom as a kid by my parents. They didn't try to control me. But I have to learn to fight for me with those who do try to control me, because most parents and people do control others.

The sacred space that is you that keep here even among chaos and those controlling you and your space. You fight to be alone among such chaos, you fight for yourself. You stand as the sacredness of you, and just basically say fuck off to those that to try violate your space that is you.

You have to fight for your right to be alone.

And in that aloneness I am creative, I am free, I am the director, I am amazing, I can learn, I can create. 

When I am alone I can create me.


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