
Showing posts from January, 2013

Day 53: We are the Environment

So continuing with the discussion of what is best for all...          I was looking at this situation, there is a being who is in this world with many other beings. This world is here, its stable from a rule based perspective. Physics describe the physical rules. There are many many different stable relationships in the physical and many different substances and interactions that occur in predictable fashions. I made a comment or claim to another being once that humans should aspire to be like a tree. I mean this in the sense that humans learn commitment and stability. Trees are committed to living in a way to simultaneously support themselves and the environment around them. They are clear in who they are, and trees together have an accumulative effect that support life and the environment. You see, without the environment humans would be nothing, life would be nothing. The environment is the physical, and it includes nature, and the animal king...

Day 52: The Environment that is Best For All

As a student who was intensely interested in Behaviorism (a.k.a. Learning), I was surprised that the other disciplines in psychology fell prey to unsubstantiated theories and claims that lacked physical/behavioral evidence. This is a discussion I will have throughout my blogs, right now, however, I will focus on laying down the foundations for how the environment plays it role with allowing/supporting/strengthening What is Best For All.                 Im going to jump into this discussion with something that was brought up in my psychopathology class. It has been documented in cross-cultural psychopathology studies, how social realms such as hunger, work, divorce/marriage, and poverty, contribute to mental disease, as defined by the DSM. I believe to remember that they referred to Anxiety as the main mental diseases that they found. So, as someone who is currently considering how the environment contributes to w...

Day 51: Self-prescribed limits? What is best for all...

                    Psychology is the study on the Human. Broadly, this includes the mind, and how the mind connects to behaviors, and how both learning and perceptions occur through the mind. Interestingly enough, the mind has become the sole foundation of what a human being consists of. The belief we are our minds is not explicitly discussed, though, by my observation, it is safely assumed by everyone. Because we humans accept and allow ourselves to exist in such a limited definition of ourselves, then that is what we live, and also what scientists then observe. In general, it is the job of psycho-scientists to discover the principles that Humanity is living by currently. It is essentially blasphemy in the world of empirical research to prescribe theories onto reality, though this often occurs. When a scientist has studied their area of interest, they usually prescribe solutions that fit withi...

Day 50: Science, Media, Knowledge, & Misrepresentations

So in looking at the misrepresentations of science in the media, one thing that is often misunderstood is what psychology actually finds in their studies. A study could, for example, be researching obesity and linking this to depression. They may have 100 people report their weights, and based on some criteria to determine obesity, they link being over the "normal" weight to depression. What does it mean to link or associate or find a correlation. This means their is a signal that connects depression and obesity, which could either be that with more obesity their is greater depression (entails that lower obesity there is less depression) or with less obesity their is greater depression (entailing that with greater obesity there is less depression). Now this is all nice and all, though, however, what REALLY happened, is that a certain number of people showed SOME signs that there were SOME pattern with how depression and obesity occur. This DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING ELSE. Though ...

A statement for Everyone to Read and Live

Why do i want to be good? Because i fear being bad. Why do i fear being bad? I fear being hurt...emotionally. I really really really want to feel good.  So, I fear feeling bad... I fear not feeling good.  SO who i am has been totally structured according to feeling good always and never feeling bad.  I know this is messed up and will lead to an unsatisfactorially life, because to achieve great things, sometimes you need to invest and choose the more difficult path, as they say.  If I were to expand and bring everything here, all the future possibilities, who i can be...  ...I see the possibility of standing up from this shit hole i am in,  and saying no,  no more,  this doesn't work,  we need another way,  a way that does work,  in the interest of everyone as equals and one.  ~Yogan

Day-49: Fears and Justifications?

--> I notice how I am bashing the president of my college. He is new. He is also very charismatic. I do not trust him because he seems such a nice guy. Because he sees normal. I think its all a sham. It reminds me of myself. I imagine myself screaming like a monster. I am in conflict in whether what I think I am like is how I actually am. I think a lot. Today while I was eating lunch. I had finished eating and I sat to relax. It felt like the first time I have relaxed in years. I forgot about the basic truths I learned from my mom who works with the body in Yoga and maintaining a well-functioning body that is free of pain. There is a balance between work and rest. That one cannot be working and stressing all the time. The body needs to rest and recuperate. Otherwise the body starts accumulating tension. The muscles become contracted, which muscles themselves act in a balance, that when one muscle is active another has to relax. This active is a contraction and this rela...

Day 48- The Principles behind Science, Psychology, and Analytics in general.

So as I have mentioned in a previous post, I took the Learning class, in the spring of 2012 (northern hemisphere, lol). I reviewed the general foundations of Classical (a.k.a. Pavlovian) condition and Operant Conditions. I still have access to my course’s Syllabus. The teacher was one of a kind, and he was very open to ideas as a good scientist should be. The first day of class was about how one error we make is to use a word or definition to describe something and really say nothing at all. It is like a circular argument (if you are familiar with that). He is angry, because he is aggressive. How do you know he is aggressive? He was angry. And how do you know he was angry? He hit the table, his eyes went wide, his nostrils flared, his voiced raised.             So, this use of Layman’s words or vocabulary, e.g. aggressive, could have no value. This is a problem, when you use words of no value (in any field im sure). I also ...

Day-47: What is a Desire? How does it relate to who we are? Who have we accepted and allowed ourselves to be in relation to desire?

Who am i if i express according to a desire?  I am stuck to that desire. If i desire to follow the mind... i will follow the mind. The moment of stopping following the mind, is also the moment of stopping following the desire, and then you feel this friction, which is a resistance to change (see Physics JTL blog for a relevant analytical discussion on inertia and Newtons three Laws). So desires are things we follow. Can we also live a desire? Does that even make sense? If we are living something, say waking up in the morning and moving with the body in breath, is that a desire? It seems redundant to say i desire to wake up in the morning and move with the body in breath, instead of I wake up in the morning and move with the body in breath, which to me is a complete statement of 'who i am' or who that person is. Would you agree or not agree? (These are all words of course, though i ...

Day-46: Seeing Reality without individualized beliefs, possible or not possible?

--> The belief that our view is just as valid as anyone else’s view is inherently mistaken and therefore evil. The only real acceptable view is everyone’s view, that is, looking and checking every single perspective of each and everything that exists, from rocks, to trees, bugs, dead people, people, everyone. Because we cannot see things from plants views, this view will be imperfect. However this is the only real view, true view, that is what is common to all, is what is real, and the views of everyone taken together reveals the reality of everything. This is commonsense. It is not commonsense to believe that my individual view is equal to the view of everyone such that I can claim that my view is just as true so im going to now use my views as the basis to determine what reality is and consists of… this is not commonsense. Thus the only acceptable view is the view of everyone everything, all views taken together as one, that all perspectives and points of view are see...